1 min readJan 2, 2024


Incorrect requirement to send execution fee when creating an order

This issue is part of a different set of vulnerabilities that 0xKato and I (0xWeiss) found during the review of Lexer Markets V2, which was forking GMX V1.

If you are a protocol owner or someone integrating with GMX V1, GMX V2, or LEXER Markets, reach out to my DMs on Twitter: 0xWeiss or email: . We will make sure your code is as secure as possible.


GMX requires a user to send an execution fee in the createSwapOrder and createIncreaseOrder. The execution fee is validated by the following check: require(_executionFee >= minExecutionFee, "OrderBook: insufficient execution fee");

There is a mistake when assigning the comparison operators in the require statement in createDecreaseOrder as can be seen below: require(msg.value > minExecutionFee, "OrderBook: insufficient execution fee");

This means that a user will have to pay more in execution fees than the minimum requirement, resulting in additional lost funds for the users.


it.only("Incorrect requirement to send execution fee when creating an order", async () => {

await positionManager.setOrderKeeper(user1.address, true)

await positionManager.connect(user1).increasePosition([dai.address], btc.address, expandDecimals(50000, 18), 0, toUsd(100000), false, toNormalizedPrice(50000))

await router.connect(user1).approvePlugin(orderBook.address)

let executionFee = orderBook.minExecutionFee();

await orderBook.connect(user1).createDecreaseOrder(
btc.address, // indexToken
toUsd(10000), // sizeDelta
dai.address, // collateralToken
toUsd(5000), // collateralDelta
false, // isLong
toUsd(0), // triggerPrice
true, // triggerAboveThreshold
{value: executionFee}

let orderIndex = (await orderBook.decreaseOrdersIndex(user1.address)) - 1

expect(await positionManager.connect(user1).executeDecreaseOrder(user1.address, orderIndex, user1.address))"OrderBook: insufficient execution fee");

