UI as an afterthoughtOr: how will React context and hooks change the game of state management?Feb 5, 20197Feb 5, 20197
Distributing state changes using snapshots, patches and actions — Part 2Part 2: Distributing patches and rebasing actions using ImmerSep 20, 20184Sep 20, 20184
Distributing state changes using snapshots, patches and actions — Part 1Part 1: Introducing the concepts of snapshots, patches and actionsSep 6, 20184Sep 6, 20184
Published inVisually DevelopedHow to fix nasty circular dependency issues once and for all in JavaScript & TypeScriptGetting a grip on module loading order beyond trial and errorJul 19, 201828Jul 19, 201828
MobX 4: Better, simpler, faster, smaller..and still, MobX 5 will be even more awesome 😺Mar 12, 20188Mar 12, 20188
Published inHackerNoon.comIntroducing Immer: Immutability the easy wayImmutable, structurally shared data structures are a great paradigm for storing state. Especially when combined with an event-sourcing…Jan 10, 201821Jan 10, 201821
Published incodeburstThe Curious Case of Mobx State TreeMany words, talks and articles have been dedicated to the question “should I be using Redux or MobX?” Even React books tend to discuss both…Sep 28, 201710Sep 28, 201710
Published inHackerNoon.comThe fundamental principles behind MobXA few weeks ago Bertalan Miklos wrote a very interesting blog in which he compared the proxy based NX-framework with MobX. That blog is not…Jan 13, 20176Jan 13, 20176