A Covenant with Creation pt. 2

Matt King
6 min readNov 26, 2020

Yesterday we looked at the details of the covenant that God made with Noah and all of humanity to come and saw just how much God loves His creation. Life with them is far more valuable than a world devoid of sin. But there is so much more to this than just a promise made and that is what I want to look at today.

So you should have picked up on the idea that a covenant is an agreement/promise made between two people that cannot be broken under any circumstances. This is the original intent of the idea of covenant. Sadly, mankind has broken that original idea and has reworked the definition to something more akin to “a covenant is an agreement made between two people that cannot be broken, unless someone does not follow the rules of the covenant or decides to not uphold their end anymore”.

Take marriage for example. God designed marriage to be a covenant between a man and a woman. The ring is the symbol of the covenant, a never ending band that shows the covenant promises that have been made to one another will not end. Those promise traditionally include in sickness or health, for richer or for poorer, to be solely devoted to each other alone, and many times specific promises a couple makes to one another like promising to support the other in all endeavors or constantly bring happiness and laughter to the home. It’s heartbreaking to hear that the American…



Matt King

Youth Pastor in Pennsylvania. Lover of sports, books, and fitness. On a mission to see myself, students, and people love Jesus and people more.