What’s Next?

Matt King
8 min readDec 16, 2020

We’ve already highlighted “Doubting Thomas” and his wild experience actually touching the scars on Jesus’ body. Thomas was completely changed and would never be the same from this moment forward. And while the Bible makes it clear that a lot of Jesus’ disciples, after his resurrection and ascension back to Heaven, went on to do incredible things for the Kingdom of God, the Bible doesn’t tell us what happened to Thomas. However, this is where we can look to other resources to get an idea of what Thomas did and his story is pretty incredible.

You might be surprised to know that there is a whole Gospel about Thomas, it’s called the Gospel of Thomas. Now let me make something clear, the word Gospel does not imply that Thomas was like Jesus and could save anyone or is a salvation story. Gospel simply means, “good news”. Therefore, in ancient times, a town crier could stand on a box in the town square and yell out a gospel regarding a new king being crowned or a new law being put into place to give people more freedom. A gospel could be good news about anything, but when we talk about Jesus, we know that the Gospel of Jesus is the greatest gospel story ever told! So, the Gospel of Thomas could be called “The Good News of Thomas” and it is a good story about what Thomas did for the Kingdom of God.

This is also what we call an extra-biblical source. What this means is that the Gospel of Thomas is not…



Matt King

Youth Pastor in Pennsylvania. Lover of sports, books, and fitness. On a mission to see myself, students, and people love Jesus and people more.