A Muslimah Who Has Captured Interest Within and Beyond the Muslim Community

Muslim Women Professionals
4 min readMar 18, 2019


Fatmah Muhammad — Williams + Rheyanah Williams, Co-Founders of Knafeh Queens

Fatmah Muhammad — Williams, the Founder of Knafeh Queens, has won over fans with her delicious, melt-in-your-mouth knafeh. Through the business she started with her daughter Rheyanah Williams, she has captured the interest of the Muslim community and beyond. Muslim Women Professionals spoke to Fatma to understand how and why it was important to her to look beyond the Muslim community.

Food has a way of transcending barriers. With your signature Knafeh, you’ve won allies in the Muslim community and the wider community, including the Mayor of Rancho Cucamonga (CA). What has been the key to your success with the wider community?

I think the reason for my success is just being proactive. I was not content being in a bubble and I have always felt like if we want to see change in the world you have to go out there and get out of your comfort zone. I am heavily involved in city events and interfaith activities — I sign up for different competitions, show up for important city meetings that impacts our community. I look at it from a macro perspective and how it can affect the community, including the Muslim community, at large.

It is so necessary and beautiful to look beyond the Muslim community. I did not want to be complacent and just complain about the issues. When I see something wrong, I try to be a part of the solution and I think that’s one way I have won fans in the greater community.

What are some tips you will give a new budding entrepreneur on how to build a following?

  • Form a support system — If people say you do not need support they are not being honest. Follow the Islamic principle of forming a community. My husband. parents and sisters have been integral to my success and my daughters motivate me everyday.
  • Have a business advisor — It is important to have someone who can hold you accountable.
  • Prioritize your business- I made personal sacrifices to make the growth of my business my priority when I started out. I was also very selective in the type of events I chose to showcase our knafeh — it was important that they aligned with my message of spreading unity and peace.
  • Do something that is within your reach — And do what you are passionate about. If you are struggling with your career, it is because you are not passionate about it.
  • Have a purpose in whatever you do- My daughter and I constantly remind ourselves of our intentions to start Knafeh Queens. Our purpose was to bridge the gaps between faiths. Through Knafeh Queens I have met so many people from different faiths, some people told me they have learnt from me about Islam and that I have been able to change stereotypes.
  • Strive for excellence- People tell me to use cheaper products in my Knafeh but I do not care about the profit, I care about following the Islamic principle of striving for excellence.

How did you use social media to connect with the Muslim community and beyond?

Social media has been phenomenal. I have met so many incredible people through social media and it has opened up a whole new world for me.

I do not let it control my life though. I put aside some time for it each day and only post and check social media during that time. I do not let it stress me out and do not care about things like how many followers I have. I do not have a professional photographer or camera or a marketing manager — I have realized it is not about the perfect picture but rather how you portray yourself. I just try and be as authentic as possible because people will follow you no matter what your feed looks like if they like your message.

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Muslim Women Professionals is an organization that promotes empowerment for professional Muslim women all over the world. Click here to learn more about how we educate, empower and mobilize.



Muslim Women Professionals

We empower Muslim women to thrive personally & professionally, lead with confidence & positively impact their communities.