2 min readAug 26, 2023

Union Finance

Explanation for beginners (In Simple Words):

What is Union Finance ?

It is platform to lend and borrow money for the member of union protocol.

What network does is support ?

Mainnet — Ethereum (v1), Optimism (v2), Arbitrum (v1).

Testnet — Ethereum Goerli (v1), Arbitrum Goerli (v1), Optimism Goerli (v2)

How much money you can borrow ?

The amount money you can borrow depend on how much DAI you have been vouched for (trusted).

How to become member?

Head over to and follow the following steps.

  1. Stake/deposit DAI token to union protocol. You will start earning UNION governance token.
  2. Get 3 members who can trust you. Share your vouch link to members to vouch you.
  3. Claim your UNION governance token once you have earned 1 token.
  4. Once claimed, burn 1 UNION to become a member, unlock benefits, and start building your credit network.

What are other use-cases ?

  1. 1 → 1: This is a lot of overhead for the use case of a single person lending a friend $20. (Passive Nature: When you borrow from a friend)
  2. Many → 1: Groups working together: 3 people vouching $100 for a 4th, gives the 4th access to $300.
  3. 1 → Many: a single Underwriter vouching for a param, a DAO providing it’s members a credit line
  4. Many -> Many: All of the above contributing

What does Union do that wasn’t previously possible?

  1. Creates efficiency. 1 DAI can be vouching for multiple accounts and contracts until it’s actively borrowed.
  2. Brings real world trust on-chain while retaining pseudonymity.
  3. A whole market of new businesses in between 0%-150% LTV products.
  4. Smart Contracts/DAOs get with credit lines.
  5. Invest by extending credit.
  6. There’s additional UX mechanisms and experiences you can create to incentivize vouching for different behaviors ie vouch for charity (microfinance), invest in a dao by vouching (instead of a convertible note), etc