How I use CocoaPods

You may not like how I use CocoaPods

Max Howell
3 min readJun 26, 2014

Having heard the woeful story of a student who spent six hours on a client project not understanding what libPods.a was and why it was causing a link error I have begun nesting my `.xcodeproj` inside my `.xcworkspace` so it is much less likely anyone new to CocoaPods is going to open the wrong xcsomething and waste time.

Sadly, it’s not really that easy to do.

  1. `git commit -amwip`
  2. Create your new project, or have an existing project around. Close Xcode.
  3. `mkdir MyProjectName.xcworkspace` or skip this step if you already have it.
  4. `mv MyProjectName.xcodeproj MyProjectName.xcworkspace`
  5. Edit your Podfile and add the line `xcodeproj MyProjectName.xcworkspace/MyProjectName.xcodeproj`
  6. I suggest deleting `Podfile.lock` and `Pods`
  7. `pod install`
  8. `git commit -amwip`
  9. Now open the `xcworkspace`, all your files will be red, that’s because you moved the `xcodeproj` but not the files.
    This step is laborious, select all the files that are in the same directories and then open the right-hand pane. Below is a screenshot showing what you have to click. Choose the folder that contains those files, unless you only selected a single file, in which case select that file’s location. I suggest choosing the combo option “relative to project” as the relativeness option, though I don’t know if it matters much.
  10. Test everything still works.

Other Stuff I Do

I Commit my Pods

I commit my `Pods/` and my `Podfile.lock`. I didn’t use to, and I even mocked the idea of it a few times:

I changed my mind because I have worked with people who refuse to install the `pod` gem, or who can’t because they broke their Ruby installs. I changed my mind because switching branches may mean that my `Pods` were all wrong and I’d have to `pod update` whenever I changed branch. I changed my mind because unless you at least commit `Podfile.lock` when you go back in history with git bisect you don’t actually have an accurate snapshot of your app from that point in time.

I still don’t like it. It feels gross and inefficient. But it’s the right thing to do, so I now do it.

I Turn Every Self Contained Library I Make into a Pod

Since CocoaPods switched to `trunk` it is super easy to make Pods. When I write code I look at it and if I made it encapsulated and modular, and it seems useful, I make it into a Pod.

I Only Have One Header in my Project

I got so bored with having a million headers. So now I only have `main.h`. All my `@interface`s go in there. And nowadays that’s pretty much all they are since all my ivars go in the @implementation and I use Promises to manage asynchronous state across ViewController transitions.

Then I put that header in the precompiled header. Or more likely nowadays I add `-include main.h` to my other c-flags build setting because I have long since disabled precompiled headers and just use (`@import`) modules.

Much to my delight, Swift behaves like this by default.

I Never Have a `CHANGELOG` file

Seriously, gross. Just make your Git history good. Learn interactive rebase already. Use a good gitx fork.

