Yes, the LGB Alliance is a hate group.

There is no queer liberation without trans+ and nonbinary people.

10 min readOct 31, 2019

I was disappointed but not surprised to see the formation of the new anti-trans group, the LGB Alliance. The LGB Alliance is positioning itself as a group that is focusing on “sexual orientation” as a necessity as “lesbians in particular, and recently gay men too, are suffering from the confusion between sex and gender”.

At the meeting, the group formed of “influential lesbians, gay men and bisexuals” revealed its mission to “counteract the confusion between sex and gender which is now widespread in the public sector and elsewhere”.

“This is an historic moment for the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual movement. *LGB Alliance* launched in London tonight, and we mean business. Spread the word, gender extremism is about to meet its match.” Allison Bailey, a barrister at Garden Court Chambers tweeted about its launch. Her twitter states that she is “gender critical” and that “biological reality before gender identity”.

There has been much outrage and backlash from the wider queer community against the LGB Alliance but was has been truly saddening is to see the flood of support towards the group. Although much of this support has been from the religious right and from transphobic straight groups, it is still deeply disturbing to see gay men and women in particular voice their support for an organisation that deliberately seeks to erase a fundamental part of our community…

