npm scripts, explained!

Max Stoiber
2 min readJan 11, 2016


Originally published on my blog

npm has support for the scripts property in package.json — one of the most used, but also one of the most overlooked features of npm

What does the scripts property do?

Chances are high you’re using scripts if you’re using npm: Whenever you enter $ npm run <command> (which is a short version of $ npm run-script <command>) into the terminal, that’s a script being ran.

There’s also some special, predefined aliases which convert to the npm run version, e.g. $ npm test converts to $ npm run test behind the scenes, and they can be used interchangably.

Some more aliases: $ npm install, $ npm publish, $ npm start,… full list

The thing that makes npm run so powerful is that it addsnode_modules/.bin (which is where dependencies are installed) to the PATH provided to scripts. In understandable english this means you can use your installed dependencies on the command line without having to install them globally!

Real world usage

Lets say you’re using Mocha for unit testing. If you want to run your unit tests, you normally have to npm install -g mocha (the -g argument installs the package globally on your machine) to get access to the mocha terminal command. This allows you to run your unit tests in the terminal:

$ mocha *.test.js

This works, but it also requires all developers working on that project to npm install -g mocha. Not everybody might have permissions to do that on their machine, or somebody might forget and it’s going to lead to annoying problems down the road.

npm scripts to the rescue!

Using npm scripts, we can specify Mocha as adevDependency in our package.json:

"devDependencies": {
"mocha": ""

Note: Please don’t forget to add a version range so breaking changes in Mocha won’t mess with your setup.

Now, when developers enter $ npm install (which is part of every initial setup) into the terminal, they have Mocha installed. The problem is that it isn’t globally installed, so entering $ mocha *.test.js into the terminal will give you an /usr/local/bin/mocha: No such file or directory error.

We can work around this by adding a test script to yourpackage.json. Since npm scripts add the node_modulesfolder to the PATH, we have access to the mochacommand from there even though it isn’t globally installed!

Lets add that test script:

"scripts": {
"test": "mocha *.test.js"

Now your collaborators can enter $ npm run test into the terminal and Mocha will unit test your application without needing to globally install anything!

Thanks to @helloanselm for proof-reading a draft of this post!



Max Stoiber

Technical cofounder of, creator of react-boilerplate, co-creator of 💅 styled-components and maintainer of KeystoneJS and micro-analytics.