Three Tools for Laser Focus

That are low or zero cost and incredibly effective

Max Wesener
3 min readSep 15, 2022

There are a lot of tools and protocols you can leverage to boost your concentration. Those are specific behaviors, digital tools, or supplements.

In this piece, I will cover three of those many tools. You can implement them and begin to see benefits starting today.

I. Visual focus to increase ACh (Acetylcholine) release.

Your mental attention follows your visual attention. Because it’s much more difficult to focus mentally than it is to focus visually, it’s low-hanging fruit to use your vision to boost your attention.

This tool will increase the amount of ACh that is released in your brain, which will narrow your vision and attention. As a result, you’ll find it a lot easier to mentally focus on your work.

Doing this is surprisingly simple:

Pick any word on your laptop screen or monitor and concentrate on the first letter.

Keep your eyes fixed on that letter and try to blink less frequently than usual. You can also slightly narrow your eyes.

After only 3–5 minutes of doing this, you’ll start noticing “tunnel-vision”. Your cone of focus will have become much more narrow.

