“Wekinate Your World”

1 min readFeb 29, 2024


Diving into a project with my cat and the Webinator platform turned out to be more of an adventurous mess than a polished performance, but honestly, that was the best part. Trying to get a cat to participate in anything structured is like herding… well, cats. And when you throw in the Webinator with all its bells and whistles, you’re in for a wild ride.

The plan sounded simple enough: use the Webinator’s interactive features to create a performance that would respond to my cat’s movements. I envisioned a sophisticated setup where my cat’s every jump and paw swipe would trigger beautiful visuals and sounds, turning him into a feline performance artist. The reality? Oh, my furry performer.

Exploring the Webinator was a blast, though. It’s packed with features and functions I’d never heard of, and each discovery was like finding a new toy. From motion sensors to sound effects, every tool promised a new way to bring the performance to life — if only my cat cared about any of it.

Despite the performance not going as planned, the process was hilariously fun. It was a reminder that sometimes the beauty of creating something doesn’t come from the end product but from the laughter and learning along the way. My cat, blissfully unaware of the chaos he caused (or probably I caused to him), provided a perfect partner in crime. It was a project filled with unexpected challenges and delightful discoveries, a testament to the joy of exploring technology and animal antics without worrying about perfection.

