Our Goal: Your Control

5 min readDec 14, 2021

You almost can’t believe it’s on 70 percent discount. You play cool, you snag it, and you make a beeline to the cashier. Your heart is pounding in excitement as you reach into your bag to grab your purse… only to realise, it isn’t there!

You gasp in horror, mortified by the discovery. At the thought of losing all personal documents and the risks that come with it, your heart now sinks, you’re literally panicking… and you’re already starting to hyperventilate.

The veins on your forehead have now popped as you start to realise the promised inconvenience and stress ahead of you.

Upset, you annoyingly ponder over your limited choices; either drop everything to brave traffic and hope to get unbelievably lucky with parking before you make it in time at ALL RELATED BANKS to report your losses, or start picking up the phone to call EACH AND EVERY BANK to block all credit cards while also praying to have the patience of a saint to get through this nightmare without collapsing in frustration by the end of it all.

If only the above scenario was just a figment of our imagination, or an exaggerated reality blown out of proportion.

Sadly, this is very much the case in real life when someone is a victim of theft.

But, if it’s any comfort, we thought you should know that you’re not alone because at some point or another — we’ve all actually been there. That’s why we can absolutely relate to the pain and anxieties that arise during such unfortunate situations. And because we can empathise, the MyMy team is that much more enthusiastic about solutions that actually protect you from needing to endure such distressing experiences.

A Whopping 96% Demand Greater Security Settings

In the release of our recent blog titled, ‘Because We Get You,’ we introduced our super sexy prepaid numberless card and the thoughtful benefits that come with it — all thanks to your feedback! Then in our last survey, a great 96 percent of you further emphasised on wanting tighter financial security.

As we heed your call loud and clear, we’re happy to have you zoom in on our app so you can see just how easy it is to play boss, merely at the tap of your finger! Here’s what you get from our suite of world-leading card controls that offer you that peace of mind and immediate solution that YOU KNOW YOU SO NEED — especially in times of trouble:

Lock / Unlock Card

Whether you lose your card by way of theft or carelessness, redeem control in seconds by simply launching our MyMy app on your phone to impose restrictions or availability of use. No queues, no calls, no wasted time. Just greater control at the tap of your finger.

Show Card Details

Unlike traditional cards that display your full name, credit card number, expiry date and card verification code (CVC), MyMy sensibly keeps it a secret — hence our classy, numberless card concept. Instead, your information is securely stored on our app which is only available via biometric login. We even have clever copy and paste abilities so you’re not forced to memorise your details, or confusingly go between windows on your phone which could lead to opportunities for error. No fuss, no exposure, no repeated efforts. Just greater control at the tap of your finger.

Show / Reset Pin

Yet again, forget calls or visits to the bank if you ever need to reset your pin. Just a quick scan of your fingerprint will do the deed on MyMy’s app. This is also a prized feature for those having trouble remembering passwords or have too many cards to keep up with! No pressure, no hassle, no unnerving waiting period. Just greater control at the tap of your finger.

On / Off Control for ATM Withdrawals

Just in case you’re one of those who worry about money disappearing — even when it’s kept in your bank account, stop pondering over the idea of storing it under your pillow! Keep calm with MyMy’s on and off control for ATM withdrawals. If you’re the naughty, spendthrift kind, our app also gives you the power to manage your card’s ATM withdrawal limit. No more unwarranted fear, no over spending, no anxiousness. Just greater control at the tap of your finger.

On / Off Control for Overseas Transactions

So you lose your card while travelling, bad luck. Well fret not! No matter where you may be, just launch our MyMy app to immediately disable any unwanted or unauthorised overseas transaction. No undesirable surprises, no killjoys on holiday, no pain of dealing with banks. Just greater control at the tap of your finger.

On / Off Control for Online Transactions

Don’t fall victim to online fraud and digital payment scams. Use our app to block off all online transactions as and when you want! Turn it right back on when you’re ready to shop online again. Either ways, no setbacks, no phobia, no shocking bill statements. Just greater control at the tap of your finger.

On / Off Control for Contactless Transactions

When on the go, take full advantage of contactless transactions with MyMy’s numberless prepaid card. Disable anytime when you’re done to protect yourself from crooks who plan on making fraudulent purchases at brick-and-mortar stores — at your expense! No nervousness transmitting your name, your card number or your three-digit security code. Just greater control at the tap of your finger.

MyMy — As Good As It Gets

In a world currently defiant against a pandemic that has given rise to more demands for greater financial control for physical and online purchases, MyMy remains resolute and committed to your thoughts, your voice and your needs. The state of your financial wellbeing and your opportunity to choose and enjoy the best is truly the focus that sets the tone before our team even embarks on our product innovation process.

This said, we hope that our list of protective card control abilities we’ve shared here today successfully demonstrates just how greatly in charge you can get with your personal finance when MyMy becomes your choice.

And is this our ultimate goal, you may ask.

Sincerely and in entirety — we believe that’s an absolute, YES.

