Easy drawing for horse

Md Nuruzzaman
2 min read4 days ago


Drawing a horse can be quite challenging due to its complex anatomy, but breaking it down into simple steps can make it more manageable. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you draw a horse:

Materials Needed

  • Paper
  • Pencil and eraser
  • Reference image (optional)


1. Basic Shapes

  • Start with basic shapes to outline the horse’s body. Draw a large oval for the body and a smaller circle for the head. Connect them with a curved line for the neck.

2. Limbs and Head Guidelines

  • Draw lines to represent the legs. Horses have long, slender legs, so keep the lines relatively straight.
  • Add two short lines on the head for the ears, and a line across the head for the eye level.

3. Refining the Body

  • Add more definition to the body by outlining the muscles and refining the shape. Make the neck thicker where it connects to the body and tapers towards the head.
  • Refine the shapes of the legs, making sure to capture the joints: shoulder, elbow, knee, and fetlock (ankle) for the front legs; hip, stifle (knee), hock, and fetlock for the hind legs.

4. Head and Facial Features

  • Outline the shape of the horse’s head, adding the muzzle, jawline, and ears.
  • Add details to the face: eyes, nostrils, and mouth. Horses have large, expressive eyes and prominent nostrils.

5. Mane and Tail

  • Draw the mane starting from the top of the head down the neck. The mane can be flowing or braided, depending on the horse.
  • Draw the tail, which is thick at the base and tapers towards the end. The tail can be straight or wavy.

6. Hooves and Details

  • Add hooves at the end of each leg. Horses have a distinctive shape to their hooves, so observe a reference image if needed.
  • Add any additional details, like muscle definition, veins, and fur texture.

7. Final Touches

  • Go over your drawing with a darker pencil or pen to finalize the lines.
  • Erase any unnecessary guidelines.
  • Add shading to give your horse more depth and dimension.



  • Use reference images to better understand horse anatomy.
  • Practice drawing different poses and angles to improve your skills.
  • Pay attention to proportions; horses have long legs and a relatively small head compared to their body.

