How to Get Rid of Body Acne

My Acne Journey
1 min readFeb 25, 2018


Body acne is one of those things I don’t really think about when I don’t have it. However, when I do break out in chest or back acne, boy. does. it. suck.

Since most of my acne occurs on my face, I often take for granted the fact that I have pretty clear skin on the rest of my body.

I almost never get pimples on my shoulders or back now, and it’s very rare that I get the occasional pimple on my chest or neck.

But, it definitely wasn’t always this way for me. In addition to suffering from constant facial acne, my chest, shoulders, and back would frequently break out, too.

Today, it’s my pleasure to share some tips with you about the one kind of acne I have been able to permanently cure for myself: body acne.

If you want to hear about my personal experiences with body acne, how I got rid of it, you can check out the full post on my blog here.



My Acne Journey

Writing about my lifelong struggle with acne and everything that goes along with it.