Surrender to Change

Solar Eclipse at 27° Aquarius & Lunar New Year

Catherine Ezor
3 min readFeb 15, 2018

Aquarius season serves as a catalyst for the parts of us still craving to be accepted and integrated. The zodiac’s innovator and rebel, Aquarius permeates the cosmos once a year encouraging us to liberate our expression and update any outdated habits or agreements causing stagnancy our lives.

Aligned with lunar new year (February 16th), there’s no better time to claim what you want, no matter how unique or seemingly strange, and commit to its manifestation. Set yourself up for success by making space (both literally and figuratively) for your new reality to arrive.

Navigate transition with grace; listen to my new moon meditation here.

The collective consciousness is undergoing a huge vibrational upgrade. With all the chaos occurring in the world, it’s apparent the old ways of relating, working and living are no longer viable. This new moon solar eclipse, conjunct the south node and sextile Uranus, is solidifying our shift into a new paradigm. Arguably the most cosmically aligned time for change all year, surrender now to a new way of being. What part of you is craving to be seen and heard? What or who is blocking your shine? Do your best to embrace any unraveling. Just as the leaves fall each Winter, death precedes birth. Reflect on your desires, past and present; see the solar eclipse as the page between chapters, the inception point of your next adventure. What kind of future are you creating… For yourself? For others? What changes must occur?

Forming a sextile with Uranus and squaring Jupiter, this new moon also brings attention to the balance needed for healthy growth. Don’t rush your expansion. Progress is inevitable, yet happens at its own pace. While it’s tempting to try and tackle every block at once, you also need time to integrate and rest. Keep an eye on your ultimate destination but take each step one at a time. Trust that evolution is occurring on schedule. You’re perfectly on time.

Need more support on your journey? Check out my new moon meditation here.


(Procured with the Sacred Symbols deck by Marcella Kroll)

*read both your sun & rising sign

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) — DRYAD: Now’s not the time to rush ahead. Get away from technology & into nature. Your soul’s wisdom beckons. Recharge with the sun & wind on your face. Ground yourself into the earth below, and reach into the sky above. Mantra: I am deeply supported by source.

Earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo)— LOVE: Whether your life is currently chaos or calm, know love is all around you. When you’re looking to feel more connected, take a moment to breathe into your heart space. It is only within that you’ll find the answers you seek. Mantra: I am divinely guided by love.

Water signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) — EVIL EYE: As you start to show up more fully and shine, you’ll likely evoke insecurity in others. Pay little attention to fear and jealousy. Act with purpose and compassion, you are always protected. Mantra: I am safe in sharing my brilliance.

Air signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra)— MORNING STAR: If you’ve been asking for a sign that you’re on the right path, this is it. Anchor into your deepest yearnings and create a mission statement you can return to again and again. You are your own greatest guide. Mantra: I trust in the process.

For a more detailed intuitive reading or more information, email me —


