The Truth About The New Moon, Using Lunar Transits + My Manifestation Ritual

Catherine Ezor
3 min readApr 16, 2018


Photo by Jordan Steranka on Unsplash

Mostly “experts” suggest setting your intention on the New Moon, but I say not just yet. The New Moon, also called the Dark Moon, is a time when it appears as though the moon is absent from the sky. Mirroring this energy, we should take the time to retreat and turn away. It’s an ideal time for self-care, research, meditation, cleansing rituals, journaling, sound healing, etc.

Take this time to cleanse your space, perform ritual and visualize what you’re looking to actualize over the next lunar cycle. Wait until moon moon appears as a silver sliver in the sky to set your monthly intentions.

Each New Moon occurs in one of twelve zodiac signs. Reference the moon’s placement in your chart to set intentions in alignment with the cosmos:

  1. Find a natal chart calculator (I like — + enter your natal data: time, date and location of birth.
  2. After you’ve searched + saved your birth info, click “Free Horoscopes” in the Menu bar at the top of the page. Select “Extended Chart Selection.”
  3. Once in the “Extended Chart Selection”, change the “reference place” to your current city, or the city you will be in for a particular astrological event.
  4. Change the start date to the date of the next New Moon or transit you’re researching.
  5. Look for where it says “Please select the type of chart you want”. From that drop-down menu select “natal chart + transits”. Then click the button to get the chart.
  6. On this screen notice your birth chart same as when you initially entered your info; the symbols for the planets in black on the inside of the circle show their place in your natal chart. Now you’ll also see the planetary symbols in green on the outside of the circle. These are the planets in transit, or moving around your chart. Look for the green moon symbol, ☽.
  7. The house (i.e. numbered pie slice in the chart’s center) that the green planetary symbol “falls in” on the outer rim of the chart is the house where the transit, or New Moon in this case, “falls” this month. Take note.

*The chart calculator displays 0:00 UTC. If the moon or planet falls close to a line (or “cusp” between two houses) check the day of, before, and after the transit. In reference to the time of the new moon, estimate the main house it falls in for you.

When setting your intention, consider the archetypal energy of the moon’s sign, the house it falls in and if you know how, any significant planetary aspects. Create an embodiment ritual that supports how you want to feel and commit to it over the next month. This holistic approach allows your intention to set roots and sprout wings aka manifest a lot faster.

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Book your session here.

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