Pool Cleaning and Maintenance Tips By Swimming Pool Floor Restoration Services in Fargo

My Aquatic Services
2 min readFeb 13, 2023

Being mentally prepared for a leisurely day at the pool and then being greeted by murky water, metal stains, and calcium scale is one of life’s worst disappointments. These are just a few of the issues you can run into if you skip pool cleaning day, which could result in some expensive replacements and repairs.

Fortunately, there are several tricks by swimming pool services & contractors in fargo nd to avoid clogged filters, damaged pool tiles, warped liners, and other pool issues. Even a trip to the store might not be necessary for these options. You’re already one step ahead of the game if you have an old toothbrush, baking soda, used tennis balls, lemon slices, and an old window screen. Start taking notes because you’re about to save hundreds of dollars.

To clean the tiles in your pool, use baking soda (while increasing alkalinity and pH levels).

Your pool’s tiles can be easily cleaned with an old toothbrush and some baking soda. It is advised to clean your tiles (and other random places, including lighting and ladder fittings) once or twice a week to prevent algae growth.

Use vitamin C tablets or lemon slices to get rid of metal spots.

The worst stains in a pool are metal, as every pool owner is aware. There is, thankfully, a simple fix — and it just might be in your kitchen. Your swimming pool floor restoration services in Fargo can use vitamin C tablets that have been cloth-wrapped to remove stains from the corners of your pool. No tablets? No issue. Lemon slices also work.

With a sponge and vinegar solution, remove the water scales.

A sponge and vinegar solution will do the trick if you don’t have access to a decalcifying chemical. Failing to maintain the scales now will result in you having to replace parts for your heater, pump, and filter more frequently, costing you more money in the long run.

Every 2–3 years, replace the water in your pool.

Filters and chlorine tablets can’t keep pools healthy indefinitely. Failing to change the water in your pool every two to three years can lead to the growth of algae and bacteria and perhaps shorten the lifespan of your pool by a few years. You may also go for commercial & residential pool remodeling in Fargo, ND, in case your pool suffers major damage.

Pump your pool twice daily.

It may seem tedious. It is advised to run the pump twice a day to maintain your pool in good condition because more individuals than ever are working from home, which may lead to owners of pools utilizing them more frequently.



My Aquatic Services

My Aquatic Services has been working with residential and commercial pool remodeling clients since 1991 to properly. Visit: https://www.myaquaticservices.com/