Keep Android Emulator Always on top of VSCode/Editor

Pranav S
2 min readAug 21, 2020

I am very passionate about developing app interfaces and for that I recently choose flutter over my 2 years of experience with Ionic. One thing that bothers me is not having a proper code setup. This short post is just to help you achieve what's in the title.

Initially I thought, using Android Studio would be beneficial for Flutter, but after using it for a month, I choose VSCode back again (Not that my machine isn’t capable, it has 16gigs of RAM with latest i5 9th gen processor, but nahh), installed all necessary plugins in VSCode. And it was my best decision for flutter. Now issue was to keep android studio along side my editor to see changes being reflected with hot reload.

so I (most of you and lot of youtubers) do like this -

No issues, but its kind of irritating to keep pressing alt +tab when so many windows are open. So I wanted to have my emulator pinned over VSCode without resizing VSCode, so here is the simple switch you need to do

Click this button

Select settings button and enable ‘Emulator always on top’

That’s it! Now, no matter how much you press alt+tab, you emulator is always on top of screen. Hope you find this little trick useful to boost your productivity.

Happy Coding!




Pranav S

A Tech nerd..who likes to explore anything related to real world applications. hardcore JavaScript fan ❤️