How to Prevent a UTI: Our Tips for Urinary Health

The BINTO Bulletin
3 min readFeb 7, 2018


How to prevent a UTI

Anyone who has had a UTI knows how miserable it can be, and you’re not alone. The American Urological Association and NIH predict that every woman has a 50% chance of developing at least one UTI in her lifetime (1).

What is a UTI?

UTI stands for Urinary Tract Infection. This develops when bacteria gets into your urine and travels to your bladder. As the bacteria migrates, it can cause several issues in your body.

Women are more likely to contract a UTI then because her urethra is shorter. So: The shorter the urethra = less time it takes for the bacteria to reach the bladder and other organs

UTIs are either categorized as simple or complicated. Complicated cases, including UTIs that cause a kidney infection, require a longer course of antibiotic treatment (2).

How to prevent a UTI:

  • Drink plenty of fluids- hydration is key.
  • Always wipe from front to back after using the bathroom; reversing the process can transmit bacteria to your vagina or urethra (yuck!).
  • If you have to urinate, don’t put it off. Also, make sure you fully finish urinating.
  • Spermicidal foam and diaphragms-two types of birth control- are known to increase your risk of UTIs. Contact your healthcare provider about alternative forms of birth control (2).
  • Finally, though many women too often ignore it, you should always urinate after sex. Intercourse (as well as other intimate acts) can cause bacteria to enter your urinary tract. Do yourself a massive favor by flushing everything out.

Probiotics as prevention

As bacterial resistance to antibiotics has become more prevalent, healthcare providers have been looking for alternative methods to prevent or treat UTIs (3). According to the Indian Journal of Urology, probiotics are a promising alternative. It states, “[They can] restore a balanced microbial flora and enhance the defense mechanisms of the human body” (3). Probiotics are also widely used and are considered safe to ingest.

How BINTO can help

BINTO probiotics contain specific lactobacillus strains that can help prevent urinary tract infections, yeast infections, and some digestive issues. Our unique product will create healthy gut flora and support your emotional wellness, too!

*If you are experiencing symptoms of a urinary tract infection (burning sensation during urination, pain or pressure in lower back or abdomen, the intense or frequent urge to urinate with little results, cloudy, bloody, dark, or foul-smelling urine, tiredness, shakiness) please see a doctor to get tested. Fever or chills may even be a sign of a kidney infection (4).



Originally published at on February 7, 2018.



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