How to create a logo for my company

This tool lets everyone design a professional logo in 3 easy steps

My Brand New Logo
4 min readNov 28, 2018

You have an idea for a new company. Exciting times! The best part of starting any business is making it real. And there’s nothing that creates more impact than a brand new logo. This tool automatically creates a professional logos for your company.

Normally you would have to hire a professional designer to help you with your visual branding, but not everyone is able to afford the time and money to accomplish that.

My Brand New Logo is a new tool that uses artificial intelligence to generate professional logos for you. It works by capturing the process of how a professional design company works in its own algorithm. It creates unique logos every time, no two logos are ever the same.

You can create your own logo in three easy steps. Let’s see how it works.

Step 1: enter your company name

The only thing you need to get started is your company name. Optionally, you can specify a couple of keywords that describe your company. For example, if your company name is Wooly Wonders and you’re making woolen hats and shawls, you can type in: Wooly Wonders as your company name, warming the world as your slogan and wool as your keyword.

Company name for new logo

Step 2: select a good logo

Now comes the fun part. After you click the go-button, you will be presented with a lot of logos, specifically generated for you. Just select one that you think is nice. Don’t worry on picking the final logo yet, you can adjust everything afterwards.

Step 3: customize

A logo is very personal. My Brand New Logo creates good logos, but only you know best what fits your brand. If you think the color should be slightly different, or the icon for example, just click on the logo and adjust some options until you’re 100% happy with it. Let’s pick the last logo and adjust the icon slightly to get this final one:

logo creator page

See what we did? We changed the icon and changed the slogan so that it fits on one line. Additionally, We’ve slightly changed the symbol shape to have 5 sides instead of 8. Now we have a logo that we’re completely happy with.

Until now, this process only took 2 minutes. And you’re getting a professional logo for a fraction of the price of hiring a professional designer.

Optional step: share your logo to get feedback

When you save a logo in your account, you can click on it and edit it, make a copy, buy it, or share it. Sharing a logo is perfect to get feedback from your friends. For example, you can make three logos and share them to see which one gets the most likes. Go to your logo page and click share to get feedback

Logo overview page

After sharing your page, your logo is automatically shown on a couple of typical items, like business cards, t-shirts and phone screens. Here’s the share page of Wooly Wonders for example.

This is all that’s needed to create a good looking logo for free. Now that you’re done, it’s time to download your logo. You can purchase the logo for a small fee in order to download all the files necessary for business cards and social media.

Three steps to get a professionally designed logo. That’s it!

