The World’s Most Shapeshifting Word:


My Brandt
Data And Beyond



So what has a WORD like LOVE got to do with Tech and AI ??

These days it’s ESSENTIAL to grasp “every” single human WORD just to be able to define with yourself what the exact word or concept means to you.

So let’s start with the word LOVE, one that most likely applies to most humans.

Often the word is described as the most important of human emotions.

It is a word that depends on your own perception of it.

So let’s break it down:

Modern philosophers have proposed 4 different conceptions of love that are significantly distinct from those of the ancients:

1. Love as an emotion:

This is the idea that if love is a distinct and deeper sort of emotion than the emotions elicited by friendship or admiration, then we begin to see why those other experiences are so clearly not like love.

We share a unique narrative history with the beloved, regardless of how he or she will change throughout life, we keep accumulating common memories of events and situations that are obviously unrepeatable with anyone else.



My Brandt
Data And Beyond

Founder of #Omimimo The Pure Water Game, #MyBrandt Est 1998, Decentralized Writer✒AI Ethicist,Blockchain Blocker, Web3 Enthusiast & Human Philosopher!