How to Make Money With AI Art

Digital Medium
7 min readMar 7, 2023


AI Art

Entrepreneurs who want to create art that is generated by AI are finding new opportunities as artificial intelligence advances. As artificial intelligence advances, new opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs who wish to create AI-generated art are emerging. There are numerous ways to make money from AI art, and now is the ideal time to enter these revenue streams. There are numerous revenue streams from AI art, and now is the ideal time to take advantage of them.

1. Create KDP coloring books

KDP is a platform through which you can sell both digital and physical books on Amazon. KDP stands for Kindle Direct Publishing. Using Jasper Art or another AI art tool to create some fun coloring book pages and then combining them into a single file is one of my favorite applications for AI.

Upload it to KDP and set your price once it’s finished. The remainder, including printing and shipping to customers, will then be handled by Amazon.

Here, for instance, is a fun coloring book page I made with Jasper Art. I wouldn’t personally use this print for a KDP product due to the name/likeness issue, but come on, how much fun is that?!

2. Offer custom art

AI art is such another field that there will undoubtedly be many individuals out there who need to have some for their own homes or as gifts. Consider offering bespoke creations if you are confident in your AI art skills.

This could look like making a form online where potential customers can tell you what they want, and then you make a piece that fits their needs. Alternatively, you could start an Etsy or similar business and take orders there.

You could also work together with a local business that might be interested in having art made by AI on their walls, especially if it has something to do with their industry or niche. For instance, perhaps some body-positive prints for the walls of a brand-new women’s gym would be fantastic. You can get their ideas, use artificial intelligence to carry them out, and charge them for the digital files they send to be printed and framed.

3. Create a children’s book in your niche.

Why not use AI to help you illustrate a children’s book in your field if you’re good at writing stories?

For instance, if you write about running on your blog, you could write a clever children’s book about trying your best or the advantages of running. Alternatively, if you are a dietitian, you might write an A-Z book about various foods.

You can use AI to assist you in creating entertaining illustrations to accompany your narrative. These illustrations can then be formatted into a print-on-demand paperback using services like Kindle Direct Publishing.

Because my child used Jasper Art to create his first children’s book, I may have some bias on this one. Jimmy’s Jungle Adventure” can be purchased with pride from Amazon. While working on this project, my child learned a lot about business and entrepreneurship!

This still makes it difficult to recreate the same characters, which is one potential obstacle. By illustrating other topics covered in the book or using prompts like “from behind, red shirt, black shorts,” you can get around this problem without having to use the same character’s face.

(Please feel free to purchase a copy of my kid’s book to show your support.)

4. Offer your artwork as stock photos for sale.

Did you know that Open AI and Shutterstock have recently announced a partnership to incorporate AI images into their database? It appears from their press release that contributors will be compensated for their AI art contributions when those images are sold — however, exactly how this will work or look is still unknown. It would be wise to keep an eye out for the official launch of this.

However, keep in mind that the sale of AI images on certain other stock photo platforms — cough, Getty — is currently restricted. You’ll need to guarantee that you keep any set rules where you intend to sell your stock pictures, for example, if they are most certainly permitted as well as assuming they require the utilization of a specific man-made intelligence dataset.

However, there are other strategies for selling stock photos. You may compile a batch of 25 to 50 AI-generated stock photos that are just right for your target audience and offer to sell them to them for a small fee. Alternatively, you could make a smaller set and offer it as a freebie to your email list.

While content creators and bloggers are unquestionably the most likely audience for this, “regular” people might also be interested in a set of photos if they are made into humorous sayings or quotes that can be printed out and used as wall art.

5. Create digital art downloads or print-on-demand poster prints

You can make digital prints or art that can be sold in person or online with the help of AI. You can make your art with tools like Jasper Art and sell it on platforms like Etsy. Instead of using a marketplace, you could also set up your website shop if you so choose.

Alternatively, you could look into businesses that print the artwork for a fair price and then sell it in person at holiday markets or other local events.

For instance, I made some amusing prints of digital art that I sell in an Etsy shop. One illustration of my favorite print set is this triathlon-themed three-part bundle. Customers can print this set out at Walgreens, Staples, or other retailers for less than $10 after purchasing it digitally for less than that.

6. Create additional products for print-on-demand

It is fairly simple to locate a print-on-demand company that can assist you in selling your AI art in a variety of different formats, including coffee mugs, stickers, and t-shirts.

Printful, Printify, and Redbubble are some of the most well-liked options for this. You only need to upload your artwork, select the items you want to sell it on, and set prices. You can sell through a marketplace like Etsy or on your website (like a custom merch store).

Here is an illustration of some hilarious cheeseburger-running leggings that I was evaluating as a Printful-based print-on-demand product. I loved the funny look, but the leggings were a little too thin for me, so I didn’t put them in my Etsy shop as a finished product. However, I could envision producing a batch of fun running leggings in a variety of prints if I discovered another vendor that offered leggings of a higher quality.

Print on demand product

7. Speak about AI Art

Because it does not make use of the art, this one is a little bit of a cop-out. However, the world is your oyster when it comes to speaking opportunities if you have a substantial amount of knowledge in this field — whether it be AI writing tools or AI art.

Paid conferences, webinars, and even just giving talks to local groups and organizations are all ways to make money from speaking. You could also create an AI art-related online course.

For instance, I spoke about “Artificial Intelligence for Nutrition Entrepreneurs” to a large group of dietitians at a major conference in 2022. We talked about some examples of AI in the nutrition field, how to use AI writing tools like Jasper as an entrepreneur, and a little bit about AI art (it was still so new when I gave that talk, so I didn’t have a tool that was widely available to demo!).

8. Create NFTs

Recently, non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, have become extremely popular. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not an expert in this area, but I’ll give you my basic understanding. NFTs are digital assets that can be bought, sold, or traded; however, because each one is unique, their value is high.

You could use the blockchain to sell NFTs of your artwork online as an AI artist.

NFTs, Non-fungible tokens

Will there be too much of this? Probably. Is there still a possibility? Maybe. Although I don’t know much about it, I’ve heard this concept mentioned a few times and thought I’d bring it up here.

The Conclusion

Although artificial intelligence art is still in its infancy, creative entrepreneurs already have access to fantastic revenue streams. It’s a great time to get started with experiments; who knows, you might become the next AI Banksy or Picasso.

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