Non-Surgical Hair Replacement Pros & Cons

mycosmaticgroup mcg
4 min readJun 20, 2019


Pros and cons of non-surgical hair replacement is a burning topic of discussion and sometimes even argument. Having a lot of positives and scarcely any negatives, there is no denying the fact that non surgical hair replacement system is the crucial solution for those struggling with hair-loss and baldness.

Major pros & advantages

Non-invasive hair solution

The major pros of non surgical hair replacement is that it is non-invasive. The hair transplant methods bring down the surgical complications including risk of infections, scarring, and anaesthetic dangers which is not in the case of hair systems. Being a non-operative method, the hair replacement system saves you from the pain and other such risks.

Zero side effects

If a list of non surgical hair replacement side effects is made, it would turn out to be nearly empty. As it’s a non surgical procedure, it is not prone to any side effects. Apart from the very rare allergic reaction ensuing from the use of low quality adhesive, there is a zero risk of any other medical problem. Having close to zero side effects is a major pro of non surgical hair replacement. This is done at Hair transplant clinic in London.

Instant results

Another most important advantage of non surgical hair replacement system is that it bears immediate results. Unlike surgical hair transplants or medications, you don’t need to wait for up to 6 to 7 months to get visible results unlike hair transplant surgery. The application process is quick and simple and yields fast results without waiting. You can get the instant results at Hair transplant clinic in London.

Reversible in nature

Hair transplant surgeries are permanent. If you are not satisfied with the results of the surgery, there is hardly anything you can do about it. This is one of the major disadvantages of hair transplant surgery. Non-surgical hair replacement systems are totally temporary in nature and give complete control to your head. If you are not happy with your hair replacement system or don’t like the results, you can easily change it or stop using one!

Guaranteed results

Non-surgical hair replacement yields guaranteed results. A non surgical hair replacement system works for every person irrespective of the reasons behind their hair loss or the degree of their hair loss. While in some cases of ample hair loss, surgery may not be workable and even if it is possible, it may never be able to achieve the desired results. That is one of the most discussed disadvantages of hair transplant surgery.

Not dependent on donor hair

Hair transplant is a surgical technique in which hair follicles from one part of the body, known as donor hair, are moved to a bald part of the body. In case of partial amount of healthy donor hair follicles or no donor hair at all, hair transplant surgery is nearly impossible. Non surgical hair replacement technique on the other hand is not reliable on the donor hair. It is the best option for people with no donor hair. So, non surgical hair replacement is completely worth it!

Affordable than surgery

One of the major disadvantages of hair transplant surgery is high cost. A surgical hair transplant procedure can cost you up to $15,000 and if you are not satisfied with the results, another hair transplant is the only option, which doesn’t sound very good unless you are a celebrity or abundantly rich. Moreover, this hair transplant is not protected by any insurance.

Limitless styling possibilities

Non surgical hair replacement systems come with no limits. You can get modified hair color, style, density, length or texture that you want. One of the major disadvantages of hair transplant surgery is that it offers you restricted options. Moreover, hair replacement systems can work for nearly everyone, regardless of the cause of your hair loss, be it hereditary or because of medical reasons.

Cons & Disadvantages

Timely Maintenance

Although hair systems have no medical risks whatsoever, non surgical hair replacement requires maintenance and attention. Stable maintenance helps keep up with the natural effect and extends the lifespan of your hair system. Maintenance however is something that everything asks. Every hair transplants require a lifelong commitment to hair care.

Repeat buying

Non surgical hair replacement is not a one-time investment. Top quality hair replacement systems can last from 3–5 months if correctly cared for but after that, a new unit purchase is required. So, the purchase is recurring in nature. That said, replacements of your hair system still cost less in the long run in comparison to risk hair surgery. So, this is a non surgical hair replacement con but still not a key one.

Persistent haircuts

One of the minor cons of non surgical hair replacement is formed not by non surgical hair system but your natural hair. This case applies to wearers struggling with partial baldness. The natural hair continues to grow and need orderly haircuts and washing. Keeping a close-cropped hair cut handles this non surgical hair system con perfectly and changes it into a pro!

With just a couple of cons, non surgical hair replacement systems bring along plenty of pros and advantages. From cost to comfort, it is the best solution for those who suffer from heavy alopecia and want to get back a natural and undetectable look without surgery.

There are various Hair transplant clinic in London and UK but My cosmetic group provides the best quality of services with positive results.

