My 10 Day YouTube Shorts Challenge —Final Update

Challenge Completed

Victoria Virgo
2 min readMay 13, 2024
AI image created in Nightcafe by author

I decided to to a 10 Day YouTube Shorts Challenge because I wanted to:

  • Get to 1,000 subscribers
  • Get more confident and comfortable talking in front of the camera.

I am glad to say that I managed to complete the challenge. It would have been very easy to give up because it is a little nerve racking to put yourself out there, especially for an introvert like me.

I finished it and I recorded a summary video to talk about how I felt it went.

What’s Next?

As I mention in the video, I will aim to upload two videos per week. Many other YouTubers have recommended that this is a good idea if you want to increase your watch hours.

I will see if I can stick with it.

Would You Like To Help Me Hit My Goal?

I would love to reach the 1,000 subscriber threshold required by YouTube.



Victoria Virgo

A 50+ year old woman learning how to make money from my hobbies in a stress-free way. Follow my journey: