Issues Faced by Amazon Sellers

Mydailygoods Seo
4 min readAug 11, 2023


Selling on Amazon can be a lucrative opportunity for many businesses and individuals, but it also comes with various challenges and issues that sellers should be aware of. Here are some common issues faced by Amazon sellers:


The Amazon marketplace is highly competitive, with millions of sellers offering similar or identical products. Standing out from the crowd and gaining visibility can be challenging, especially for new sellers. Few startups are trying to break the monopolistic market captured by such big e-commerce portals. One such start up is MyDailyGoods.

Product Listing: You need to follow major guidelines to upload products on Amazon. Possibilities are there that you might need to get professional intervention by paying some third party vendor. Uploading products on MyDailyGoods is most simple. You could add products with background, without background, almost any size, just not too small that it does not look good. You could upload pics captured by your mobile phone or even capture live images and upload them.

Amazon Fees:

Selling Product online involves various fees, including referral fees, fulfillment fees (for FBA — Fulfillment by Amazon), storage fees, and advertising fees. These costs can significantly impact profit margins, and sellers need to carefully consider their pricing strategies.
MyDailyGoods do not charge you on any order with any type of such fee. Registration on MyDailyGoods is completely free. No set up fee is charged from shopkeepers. It’s a subscription-based model starting from 250/- monthly.
If you get minimum 1 online order daily with average value of 500 rs, you will be paying (around 15%-20%) 3000/- monthly to amazon. Now on MyDailyGoods, they do not charge you on order basis. For paymentgateway (getting money directly into your account) max, 5% is charged. If you collect payment on your own, no charges will be deducted. So, spending 250 INR on MyDailyGoods against 3000 INR on Amazon is obviously a better option.

Product Authenticity and Counterfeits: Amazon has been grappling with issues related to counterfeit products, which can harm the reputation of legitimate sellers. Ensuring the authenticity of your products and monitoring unauthorized sellers is essential. MyDailyGoods provides you, your own online shop. So, no other shopkeeper is allowed to sell products on your shop, under your online shop name. This way you are actually behaving like a brand and will definitely get benefitted in long term.

Product Liability and Returns: Sellers are responsible for the quality and safety of their products. MyDailyGoods is a shopkeeper centric e-portal. Customers could ask for cancellation until the order is not dispatched. Customers could directly communicate with shopkeepers in case of any issue with received product. But they cannot without shopkeeper’s intervention ask for return or refund once product is delivered. We strongly believe every shop has a brand value and they would not like to destroy it. Customers could write to MyDailyGoods so that incase we find genuine issues from many customers from a specific vendor, MDG could blacklist it.

Can’t share Amazon listing to existing customers: Sharing your amazon listing to existing offline customers could be the worst idea as by doing so you are exposing them to your competitors. Your customers could easily be stolen by other vendors. At MyDailyGoods, you get your online shop where no other vendor could sell Product. You could easily share your shop link to your customers. This helps you in brand building and retaining offline customers by providing them online shopping options.

Digital Marketing/ Brand building:

Even if you run ads on Amazon to boost sales you can never boost your brand. At MyDailyGoods, things are different. You could opt for any plan which fit into your budget to start online promotion. Promoting your online shop is like investing in your own business to leverage for lifetime. No one could over power you any time.

Online selling plateform (MYDailGoods), we want shopkeepers, local dukaandars, people working serving products from house, should get easy option to get online. They should be able to retain their online customers and keep adding new customers.

