A Miracle Unveiled: The Eucharistic Wonder of Buenos Aires

Gyaviira Luwaga
5 min readJul 27, 2023


July 27, 2023, Thursday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Gyaviira Luwaga, Kawuku, Bunga, (Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament and stories of Eucharist Miracles that have happened over centuries) Catholic Extension, US Catholic magazine, CatholicTV, Catholic-Link

Bleeding Host in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Thursday Eucharistic Story:

With the intent of enriching our understanding of the profound significance of the Holy Eucharist, we will be highlighting a Eucharistic Miracle each Thursday, as is customary in our local parishes, to reverently adore Christ genuinely present before the Blessed Sacrament. The purpose of this endeavour is to deepen our faith and knowledge regarding the authentic presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament and to foster a more profound spiritual connection with the Body, Soul, and Divinity of our Lord and God, who is truly present in our midst.

In the heart of Buenos Aires, a parish steeped in history and faith, Saint Mary, became the stage for a trilogy of awe-inspiring Eucharistic Miracles that unfolded in the years 1992, 1994, and 1996. These astounding events, shrouded in mystery and divine intervention, were destined to captivate the hearts of the faithful and rekindle the profound reverence for the Blessed Sacrament.

The journey of these miraculous occurrences began in 1992, during a seemingly routine act of preparing the Eucharistic reserve after Mass. A Eucharistic minister made a startling discovery — fragments of consecrated Host on the corporal. The Church’s sacred protocol was followed, placing the fragments in a vessel of water within the tabernacle, awaiting their dissolution. But days passed, and to everyone’s astonishment, nothing changed. The following Friday, May 8, 1992, the tabernacle was opened, revealing an inexplicable transformation — the Host fragments now radiated a crimson hue, resembling the sacred blood of Christ.

The miracles did not cease there; they intensified and flourished, unfurling before the eyes of the faithful. On Sunday, May 10, 1992, during the evening Mass, the priests distributing Communion noticed small droplets of blood on the patens, further testifying to the divine presence in their midst. Such extraordinary occurrences could not be dismissed, and the faithful gathered in awe and reverence, recognizing the real presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.

The year 1994 marked another chapter in this divine narrative. On a serene Sunday morning, July 24, during the children’s Mass, a miraculous sight captured the attention of the Eucharistic minister as he retrieved the pix from the tabernacle. A single glistening drop of blood coursed along its side, leaving all witnesses humbled and reverent in the face of such inexplicable beauty and grace.

But perhaps the most profound miracle was yet to unfold. It was August 15, 1996, a day that will forever be etched in the annals of divine wonder. During the Mass of the Assumption of the Most Holy Virgin, a consecrated Host accidentally fell to the ground while being distributed to the faithful. As the utmost care and reverence were observed, the fallen Host was placed once again in a vessel of water to dissolve. Little did they know that this simple act of devotion would become the focal point of a miraculous revelation.

Days later, on August 26, 1996, the Eucharistic minister opened the tabernacle and beheld an astounding sight — the once bread-like Host had transformed into human blood. The faithful who witnessed this miracle were filled with awe and wonder, for it was a testament to the profound reality of Christ’s real presence in the Blessed Sacrament.

News of these extraordinary events reached the ears of Professor Ricardo Castañon Gomez, a man known for his expertise and integrity in scientific matters. Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio, who would later become Pope Francis, summoned Professor Gomez to undertake a scientific analysis of the 1996 miracle. The task was formidable, but the results would unveil an astounding truth.

Arriving in Buenos Aires on October 5, 1999, Ron Tesoriero, an Australian lawyer and investigator, immersed himself in the heart of this enigmatic tale. Teaming up with Professor Gomez, they interviewed witnesses, examined samples, and delved into the scientific world, seeking answers to this extraordinary phenomenon.

Through meticulous forensic pathology and DNA testing spanning over two decades, the revelations were astounding. The samples from the 1996 miracle held human heart tissue, vital and alive. Dr. Frederick Zugibe, a world-renowned forensic pathologist and cardiologist, validated the findings, confirming the presence of inflamed human heart tissue — a result consistent with a traumatic injury to the heart.

The implications of these scientific discoveries were profound, bridging the realm of faith and reason. The heart, once abandoned and lifeless, had become a vessel of life, a living testament to the divine. The miracles revealed a reality beyond the confines of human understanding — the true presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

In the words of Mike Willesee, an investigative journalist who accompanied Ron Tesoriero during his journey: “When a Communion host, which is bread, bleeds and becomes living human heart, it is more than just a WOW moment. It is a traumatic day for Science.” The implications resonated far beyond the boundaries of any laboratory; they affirmed the core beliefs of the Catholic Church and ignited a renewed fervour among the faithful.

Daily Lesson:

The Eucharistic miracles of Buenos Aires stand as a beacon of light, calling the faithful to behold the wondrous reality of Christ’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament. The events of 1992, 1994, and 1996 offer a profound invitation to Eucharistic adoration, a sacred time of communion with the living heart of Jesus.

As the world uncovers the mysteries of the universe, it is in the simplicity of the Eucharistic miracles that a divine truth emerges — that God, the ultimate Creator, breathes life into the very essence of the Sacrament. The events in Buenos Aires serve as an unyielding testament to the words spoken during the Last Supper, “This is my body… this is my blood,” echoing through the corridors of time to reach the hearts of all who believe.

The story of the Eucharistic miracles in Buenos Aires continues to inspire and touch the hearts of believers around the world. As it weaves through the tapestry of faith and science, it urges us all to pause, reflect, and embrace the miraculous wonder of Christ’s real presence in the Blessed Sacrament.

For more insights into this divine journey and the profound revelations of science and faith, delve into the pages of Ron Tesoriero’s book, “My Human Heart: Where Science and Faith Collide,” and explore the captivating documentary on The Official Investigation: Watch Here. Similarly, the collections of Blessed Carlo Acutis provide wonderful visual pictures from which one gets a deep understanding of the process to validate this exciting encounter. Further reading can be found here.




Gyaviira Luwaga

Author, passionate admirer of humility, devoted to the Blessed Sacrament and Sacred Scriptures. Sharing daily reflections on Mass readings and spiritual summons