The Value of our Personal Data
2 min readMar 12, 2019


Our personal data is our most precious commodity in the Digital era. We use it to identify ourselves, transact for products and services, comment, blog and travel far and wide. And yet with the satisfaction of newly created wants comes the industrialisation of our information. Our data is captured, bought, sold, traded, packaged and stored for a profit.

Personal Data is used everywhere, by everyone

Google cannot provide its services without making use of our personal data. It is used to protect us, provide us with services and manage content across the Internet. Amazon will claim the same, listening to our every word as we seek easier ways of accessing more and more services online. While security is on everyone’s lips, such services add value to our lives and enrich them in ways that bring us together and enhance our relationships. We drive innovation through a partnership with such companies, pushing us further from information based services to ones that include our day to day experiences.

In comes the Experience Age

On the face of it, we may give in to our fears on the usage of our data in what appears an irresponsible and sometimes reckless manner. One only needs to consider the data issues that come from Cambridge Analytica and the various data breaches through hacks. However, we cannot and should not pull back from the advent of the Experience age. Our personal data is now no longer the primary focus and drive for online services. Our experiences through different media, photos, VR, Augmented reality and related technologies are taking a new and brave step towards the immersion of the self, not just information.

The Power of our Personal Data

With such exciting technologies and services over the horizon, our personal data is more valuable than ever. Our data is no longer THE commodity, rather it is the base upon which a multitude of real-world products and services, from games to retail services, can occur. Our data is the baseline from which businesses will springboard, building a new facet of experiences for our benefit.

The value Dayta brings

In the face of corporates such as Facebook and Google, and the throngs of marketing, advertising and data companies, Dayta looks to provide you with control. Control over how your data is used, whether or not it can be used and, critically, to be compensated fairly for its usage. There are innovative and creative services being developed every day, and we all want to participate in leading edge apps. Let’s do it together!

Dayta. My data, My choice.

Zumar Ahmed
CEO/Founder of Dayta

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