Recent mobile technology trends

My G
1 min readMar 29, 2018


Today the mobile technology trends are redefining the way a business advertise or market their products. It is something like running your business on an everyday basis. The latest mobile technology trends have definitely had an impact on small businesses globally. By expanding technological innovations, the apps are easily accessible to larger audience along with declining the development costs of apps has made them very popular. Some of the latest mobile technology trends include;

Small business mobile apps

It is estimated that by the end of this year every small business will create mobile apps due to the major success of big companies like star bucks, dominos etc. These major companies increased their business considerably after customer’s starts facing mobile apps.

Location based services

The level of growth of location based services is greater and this will reach in huge heights in upcoming years.

Augmented reality and utility apps

Earlier augmented reality apps were not seriously taken. It was just for games. When they are coupled with utility apps, their functionality will attain different dimensions. With the help of this customer engagement can be boosted.

Instant Android apps

It is a progressive app having the ability to reach into those customers who doesn’t have the app installed in their device. This allows your business to come up on app search and the major benefit is that the customers can use the apps without downloading it.

