The Growth And Impact Of Virtual Reality In The Coming Years

My Eager Mind
4 min readJan 15, 2016


Virtual Reality Technology

W e all are, indeed, very lucky to be around in this era, where it has become imperative for technology to function in sync with the biological needs of the person. Whether you run, watch television, videos, play games, connect socially - every activity has found its way into the alter, called technology.

A debate of whether technology is a boon or a bane, often arrives at a rather inconsequential ending. But what is to be seen is that, the present generation has been born in the midst of it and it is only justifiable that efforts are made to develop technology to elevated heights. This, coincidentally gave birth to the concept of virtual reality.

Virtual Reality is a simulation of sorts, completely computerized, which enables a person to visually and audibly, perceive objects and sometimes the sense of touch too, that makes one believe that the virtual impact is in fact real. Involves a three dimensional, a platform which is usually in the form of a gadget bound to the face, and a microphone attached in order to hear the sound and operate the console, over voice commands.

The Benefits And Usage Of Virtual Reality Is Endless And Never Ceases To Amaze

The 3d movies sure does give the fulfillment of watching a completely interactive movie, where the audience enjoys the thrill and adventure that goes throughout the plot. But virtual reality is a completely different technology altogether. It makes the user feel like he/she is a part of the plot and the complete experience involves the individual enjoying the action, in the surrounding.

3D movies with Virtual Headset

The lifelike feeling, that this technology offers, widens the spectrum of its reach among the masses. Unlike the other technologies, the augmented technology, can be used to empower people with disabilities and accomplish tasks which they otherwise cannot perform successfully.

In other fields such as fashion and manufacturing, the prototypes that are manufactured could be put into intensive research through this technology and discover how they look like and analyze them before sending them for mass manufacturing processes. By this way, the production cost can be kept in check.

Military simulation exercises and aircraft simulation for pilots can use this technology to mould them and strengthen them psychologically, so that in the actual battleground, the lifelike experience could come in handy and the reaction to adverse situations could be impulsive.

Military simulation exercises and training using Virtual Reality

The Virtual Reality Has Changed The Dynamics Of This Technologically Crazy World

That Virtual Reality has taken a center stage is a factor well known, but that the growth is making an exponential progression, might take a few by surprise. And why not? The experience would only develop and integrate into something more spectacular and fascinating. As the New Year 2016 beckons, it is safe to assume that the technology is closing in on a few breakthroughs in the frontiers of science and virtual reality.

Many Startups Have Found Takers And Are Tirelessly On Virtual Reality Space

Facebook has already started working on the virtual reality by acquiring the company Occulus and it’s making steady progress on it. One can imagine a future where an individual can just use virtual reality to socialize with friends and family using the device. This could also come in handy to visit all corners of the world, by just plugging in the virtual reality device.

Facebook virtual reality by Occulus

Medical Purposes Add To The Pile Of Useful Applications Of Virtual Reality

This can also help people struggling from mental disorders and psychological restrains. Few common phobias find a cure, using this technology, as this visceral experience simulates an environment conducive to bridge the fears and convert the person into one confident individual.

HTC Vive, Sony, Occulus, Virtual Exposure Therapy, Samsung, etc., are few firms which have already done their bit of research and will positively bring out the virtual reality products by mid-late 2016.

HTC RE Vive virtual reality headset
Sony Virtual Reality headset
Excerpt of Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy session to cure fear of public speaking
Samsung Virtual Reality Headset Gear VR for Galaxy S6

It is very surprising to see science and technology reach this startling height, but nevertheless like every other man made scientific discoveries, this field needs to undergo a test of time and reliability, in order to stake claim for one of the finest inventions ever.

Future of Virtual Reality

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My Eager Mind

I’m a dreamy geek with a business mind & a loving heart. I care about the world we live in & enjoy helping others. Love teaching, traveling & photography.