Cost-effective, efficient, simple way to consume public cloud

Madhuri Yechuri
1 min readDec 18, 2018


Enterprise application deployments are moving from private data centers to public cloud, but continue to be managed by server-based management controllers designed in the past. Old-fashioned management results in high cloud cost and increased operational complexity due to following reasons:

  • Manual capacity planning was necessary when physical server blades had to be purchased to store in a brick-and-mortar datacenter. There is no good reason to pre-provision large clusters of static capacity on public cloud where elastic capacity is available.
  • Creating wastage, figuring out which tool to use to quantify wastage, and performing recurring cleanup tasks is a drain on DevOps’ valuable time. Reactive post-mortem cost management is better suited for private cloud, not public cloud.
  • Performing time and cost-prohibitive maintenance tasks, like monitoring and applying OS security patches, for each pet server in each pet cluster on each pet cloud provider does not contribute towards enterprise’s core business.

Elotl presents a pure-play serverless management controller designed for public cloud which enables you to run enterprise applications in a cost-effective, simple manner. Elotl delivers cost-effective compute only when you need it. If 0 apps are running, your compute cost is $0. No app-rewrite is necessary. Elotl is compatible with Kubernetes, and Jenkins.

Elotl 1.0 is ready for enterprise production deployments as well as CICD workloads on AWS. Curious? Sign up for a free trial!

