How the right understanding of Kriya and Karma can make a big impact on us.

My Energy Body
5 min readMar 8, 2017


Not that karma everyone is talking about.

The concept of Kriya and the concept of Karma are two beautiful aspects of our life. If we understood them in the right way it can become a perfect and very precise steering wheel in our life.

Kriya is a state of effortless action. The state of Flow.

Karma, is it perfect opposite — action that binds you. Following and integrating these two simple concepts can make a huge impact in your life.

Kriya is effortless activity and karma is the action that binds you. We all have felt it in our lives.

Think about the times when things you did were going smooth.
As opposed to the times when things you pursued were filled with obstacles and hardship.

You felt like life and everything is against you (Karma right there showing its power).

That was Kriya and Karma in action showing you your way, giving you the clues you want to follow.

Kriya was telling you that you are going in the right direction. Karma was giving you the clues that you are not, that you should let go of that action/concept/idea. It is wrong for you and it will not work.

Our mind tends to force us to spectacular stupid stuff.
When everything around us is telling us that is wrong, we still go on.

We get confused because of the concept “ life is not easy”, “we have to get it the hard way”, “it will work if I put more extra effort”, “if we put more pressure on people/situation, then it will work”.

It is a tricky stuff and at some point, you have to stop and ask yourself “Am I in Kriya or Karma?”.

Karma is like walls coming at you where you hit hard and it is telling you — the wrong direction. Stop. Turn. Breathe. Look around. Find a better way.

Look for Kriya, look where the actions you take seem to go effortlessly.

If you follow Kriya your life can take a beautiful form. You will feel happy, inspired, motivated, fulfilled.

If you going blindly and stubbornly to the path of Karma it will get worse and worse. Until you find yourself in such a shitty place you don’t even know how to get out of it.

Usually, that is the sweet spot where people start to look for some answers. You keep asking “What the f… is happening” and hopefully things start to unravel profoundly.

My sweet spot was on the entrepreneurial path of my life. I quit my job to pursue something really exciting but the path that wasn’t holding the deeper meaning for me or my life.

I spent 3 years finding ways, building effort, adding pressure just to get same results back all over again. At some point, I got to the sweet spot asking myself what is going on and started looking for the answers.

I just wanted to understand.

I realised and learned a lot through my entrepreneurial path (life changing) and one of the amazing ideas I discovery was a concept of Kriya and Karma.

Not that Karma everyone is talking about.

So how do you get yourself out of walls that hit you to the point you don’t have much choice in life?

That is also one result of following of Karma — you get to have very few choices left to choose. You feel constrained, every move you want to take seems so complex.

In Kriya you feel you can turn at any time in any direction. Adjust, readjust and all the power of choice is yours to take.

The concept of Kriya and Karma and how they work are very simple.

To be on the path of Kriya you follow the charm and you avoid the aversion.

It other words what feels right you do it, you go there in that direction, it is the path that will go easy, that will bring you fulfilment. It will bring happiness, motivation, and sense that everything is right in your life, that you are in a good place.

Karma feels off. In many different ways.

The problem is — Mind doesn’t feel these sensations. It does not see the difference. You don’t expect the eyes to smell the rose. It looks beautiful but does it smell nice to you or not. You use other senses for that.

If you got to that shitty part in your life you know all the actions you took were based on your mind.

It looks great, it looked shiny, other people were doing it and enjoying it (they like that smell but do you?)

You did not bother to ask is it good for me.

Charm says move in that direction. (Kriya)
Aversion says go the other way. (Karma)

To sense the subtle difference we need all our senses.
And to be able to feel it clearly, we need to get to the least excited state.

That is the norm from where you should decide. Not the high excited state.

The least excited state is when we are calm — no emotions running, peacefulness. When we are without expectations (running of the monkey mind) that can fool you in the wrong direction.

The concept is simple, but our ability to produced that state is a bit harder. We were never taught how.

There are many technics that can help us to get to that calm state. It is a personal choice. It can be breathing, meditation, walking, yoga, sleeping, hiking.

I myself use meditation and I learn to follow my inspiration. It comes in that special moment when I am resting and when I feel happy and content.

We will not always get it right. But paying attention to this concepts can have the big impact in the direction of our life, overall happiness and sense of fulfillment.

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My Energy Body

My Energy Body is a project focusing on raising energy awareness. We share effective tools and practices with the people for better everyday living.