Update on progress and issues

Published in
2 min readDec 20, 2017

First of all, thank you for your support. We had a great day that went beyond our expectations. We only expected a few hundred transactions on the first day of Etheremon’s beta launch, yet we received an overwhelming response with 14k transaction, all thanks to your active participation of Etheremon platform.

Despite the success, we experienced a few issues and we would like to give you all an update on how we are working to resolve them.

  1. Artworks Copyrights

We used artwork from Smiley-Fakemon in the beta version without his permission. We, the whole team of Etheremon, apologize to Smiley for using his art. After a discussion with the artist, we asked for his permission and he has agreed to let us use the artwork for the Etheremon project.

Additionally, we are looking for more artwork from the community. Feel free to submit your art via this form.

2. Issues on our smart contracts

In a reddit post, an0nymous_shitter has mentioned some good points about our smart contracts. We really appreciated his work in investigating and expressing his concerns.

This issues have created some doubts in our community, so we would like to clarify some of his points here.

We have two smart contracts right now: one holding data (Data Contract), one holding interaction functions (Interaction Contract). Our idea is to let Data Contract non-updatable, but Interaction Contract updatable for future features. We also add a few powerful functions in both contracts to give developers flexibility in providing features (such as marketplace, fighting, transforming etheremon).

  • Function “transferMonster” on Data Contract: we use this function in our upcoming trading smart contract.
  • Function “withdrawEther” on Interaction Contract: allows a new Interaction Contract to pull Ether from the old one (without requesting any action from users).

We know that’s not a good design, but that’s the only way we could think of at the time we made the contracts. We prioritized user experience over decentralization.

That raises a big concern from some contract readers that we can transfer monsters by our selves and withdraw user money. With all good intentions, we overlook this potential issue. If it still troubles you, please cash out your Ether and wait for the next updates.

Some proper approaches are being discussed among our team members, but all of them have their own limitation. If you have a good approach for this problem, feel free share with us at contact@etheremon.com. Your opinion is highly appreciated and will be rewarded adequately.

3. Gaming instead of trading.

This beta version just introduces our very basic idea about Etheremon, we have a lot of great things want to share with you in next few updates, such as battle strategy, transforming … Please DO NOT USE THIS WORLD AS AN INVESTMENT CHANNEL, we would like you to consider it as a normal game or any traditional collectibles.

Thanks for your supports. We will try our best to make Etheremon big and sustainable dApp.

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A blockchain game about collecting, training, evolving and trading Monsters, built with blockchain and VR technology. Think Pokemon on blockchain.