How to use the TREZOR T with MEW

3 min readApr 2, 2018


TREZOR is a trusted hardware wallet brand recommended for use with the MEW interface. It carries the utmost in security measures to keep your private key encrypted and safe within the device itself, offering multiple ethereum addresses to choose from for all your storage needs. This is a separate wallet from any wallets you have created on MEW in the past! This will replace your old wallet.

Using the TREZOR T with MEW is now even easier than ever!

If you’re using the TREZOR T for the first time, there will be some set-up involved with the device itself. Here is a quick overview of this initial set-up:

Step 1: Connect your TREZOR T to your computer.

Step 2: Head to

Step 3: Click the TREZOR T option and follow the on-screen instructions to install the latest version of the TREZOR bridge software.

Step 4: This will walk you through the set-up for your new device. Make sure you save those 12 seed words in multiple, physical locations! (Good ol’ pen and paper can’t crash like a computer can!)

Now that your new TREZOR T is all set up, you can use it with MEW to expand its capabilities and interact with your funds in an easy-to-use interface!

Step 1: With your TREZOR T connected, head to Check for the green secure LLC disclaimer to the left of the URL bar to make sure you’re on the right site! Bookmark it for future reference.

Step 2: Go under the tab that says “View Wallet Info”, and select the TREZOR option to link and unlock your TREZOR T device.

Step 3: Click “Connect to TREZOR” and you should see the following screen:

Step 4: ‘Export’ the account and you will be taken to the list of addresses that came preloaded onto your TREZOR T device. (Here is also where you find the TREZOR (ETC) deviation path for dealing with Ethereum Classic.)

Step 5: These are your TREZOR T addresses. Choose whichever one you’d like, and copy it down somewhere. This will be your new Ethereum/Public/Account address. This is the address to use whenever someone wants to send you any funds (ETH coins or ERC20 tokens).

Step 6: When you click “Unlock your Wallet”, you will be taken to our MEW interface with your TREZOR T address. Here you can interact with your various ERC20 tokens in order to view their balances or send them wherever you’d like! It’s that easy!

Please note that your private key is kept encrypted on the device itself, so you will not see it on this page. This is normal.

If you run into any issues with connecting your TREZOR T, make sure you have the most recent version of the bridge downloaded. TREZOR is constantly updating their bridge to keep their devices up-to-date with the latest security measures and blockchain features.

If you still have any questions or concerns about this process, let us know at We’re always happy to help!

-Stephen #MEWForce

