MyEtherWallet: The Reincarnation

4 min readFeb 21, 2018


Indeed, unexpected events in the last week or two mark a watershed in the history of MyEtherWallet, and I am certain that for many, questions abound. Does MEW still exist? Does MEW have a new team already in place to respond to any user issues or questions? Are there new features and services forthcoming?

Well, I won’t leave you in suspense any longer. Simply put, the answers to all of the above questions are a resounding, “YES!” If you would like to continue reading, you will find more detailed responses below.

Does MEW still exist?

Yes! MyEtherwallet remains an independent company. We have not disbanded or rebranded, and have no affiliation with MyCrypto. The truth is, more often than not, two-person business partnerships don’t last forever. This is particularly true in cases when one person starts to believe that one can succeed without the other or when sentiments of inequity begin to brood. This an is inconvenient and often painful truth, that I have been forced to come to terms with in recent weeks.

In any event, I assure you that the functionality of has not been interrupted or compromised in any way during the ownership transition. Fundamentally, the only change to MEW of consequence is that kvhnuke (Me! Kosala Hemachandra, IRL) has once again taken sole ownership of MEW, and will be directly overseeing the day-to-day operations of the site. In a sense, this is simply a return of the company to its roots — kvhnuke creating a user-focused platform that is safe and secure for the crypto community.

To show the Ethereum community that we’re serious about keeping MEW at the top its game, I will be contributing the ETH equivalent of $1 million USD from my personal funds to the MEW donation account. I hope that this donation communicates how passionately I believe in MyEtherWallet’s future, and how dedicated to its mission I remain. More importantly, these funds will guarantee our team has the resources they require to make the advances needed to serve a growing and diverse community with transparency.

Does MEW have a new team already in place to respond to any user issues or questions?

Definitely! Although their names and faces are different, MEW has a dedicated team of customer care specialists and experienced developers working diligently to answer the Ethereum community’s questions, and create a better experience for our users.

Moreover, our new management team and I will be making changes to the company’s organizational structure. I have learned from past mistakes, and have acknowledged where inefficiencies lie. With the explosion of interest in Ethereum and blockchain commerce over the last year or so, MEW has now become a full-time enterprise that requires a full-time team. Until the recent transition, MEW’s team had been comprised almost entirely of independent contractors, most of whom only had part-time commitments. Contractors are independent businesses and as a result, MEW could not adequately oversee these workers, nor could MEW properly incentivize these workers to give their all. While hiring these types of workers was sufficient for the fledgling side project MEW was in 2016 and into the early part of 2017, it simply could not sustain for an ever-growing, ever-evolving enterprise.

Post-transition, I’m happy to say that I have already recruited eight passionate, experienced, and fun full-time team members who are motivated to give MEW and its users everything they’ve got. And, we’re are not done! MEW has been actively posting on the usual job sites seeking specific positions, but if you love MEW and believe you have something more to add to the team, then email your resume to Feel free to tell us about yourself, and how you see yourself contributing to MEW’s future.

Are there new features and services forthcoming?

You bet! It’s no secret that the crypto community has grown at a staggering rate. There seem to be new MEW users everyday, but early adopters like yourselves want more — something safer, more feature-rich, and able to keep up with evolutionary changes in blockchain technology.

Rest-assured that I, along with the rest of the MEW team, are prepared to meet these challenges head on. With these new donation funds, we will be adding the best people to our team to develop a better version of MyEtherWallet with a host of new features.

Many in the community may be aware that prior to this transition, MEW was working to launch version 4 of the website. Due to the new landscape, as well as the fresh ideas being generated in the MyEtherWallet offices, we are in the process of reassessing this direction. Despite the amount of money and time MEW expended on V4, we’ve also learned quite a bit along the way. While I believe that V4 introduces a quality product into the marketplace, we want to take time to consider new concepts as well as community feedback before moving forward with the current incarnation of V4. We will be making announcements about the next version of MEW in the coming weeks.

Now naturally, you’re final questions is likely, “Kosala, what will these new features be” or “What will the next version look like?” I’m not the kind of person who likes to announce the cool thing before I do it. I’m the kind of person who does it first, and makes sure it’s ‘cool,’ then announces it. But for now, I can say that we’re working on a streamlined UX for newcomers, a diverse set of new features for the advanced user, and educational tools where new and established users can learn about MEW and the latest blockchain technologies.

Also, our new ETH donation address is 0xDECAF9CD2367cdbb726E904cD6397eDFcAe6068D and Bitcoin address is 1DECAF2uSpFTP4L1fAHR8GCLrPqdwdLse9

So stay tuned. We’re moving forward!

-Kosala Hemachandra (aka kvhnuke)

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