Euphoria Seasons 1 & 2 — Series

4 min readOct 6, 2023
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

Trigger warning: Nudity, drug consumption, physical, emotional & sexual abuse.

So this last week I decided to binge both seasons of Euphoria and I was surprised with how much I enjoyed this show. I grew up watching Degrassi and Skins, but this next generation in the teenage angst, drug addiction genre was done with much higher production quality than the former. There was also a lot more emphasis on the dark sides of drug addiction rather than showing it in a purely fun light. Instead of going into episodes that I liked, I want to dig deeper into analysis on some characters that I feel like I relate to in the show.

Rue (Zendaya): The main story in Euphoria revolves around Rue, a teen who is addicted to drugs and doesn’t want to stop her indulgence. I got introduced to alcohol when I was 12 years old and started experimenting with drugs shortly after. I used many forms of addiction throughout my life to try and escape the terrible feelings inside myself. Sometimes it feels like there is a hole inside of me that makes me feel empty and depressed. No adult around me could help me navigate my feelings because they were all empty and depressed too. After 6+ years of therapy, I am just now starting to learn to navigate putting space between my feelings and my actions. I am just starting to be nicer to myself and learning to use positive coping skills rather than all of…




Hey! 🤗 My Name Is “B” ✨ Welcome to My Existential Diary. I am a queer🌈, autistic, nerdy scientist (B.S. in Astrophysics) 🤓 who sees the world in poetry📖 🖋️