Embracing a Growth Mindset: My Journey of Personal Development in Bangkit Academy 2023

Felix Yusuf Maskandinata
4 min readJul 10, 2023


Hello everyone! My name is Felix Yusuf Maskandinata, and I am proud to be a part of the Bangkit 2023 batch 1 program. In this article, I want to share my experience and insights from one of my favorite Instructor Led Training (ILT) sessions. This particular ILT marked the beginning of my journey in Bangkit, and it played a significant role in shaping my mindset and personal growth. Led by Kak Dita Amallya, the ILT provided me with valuable knowledge and a calm and comprehensive delivery style. It had a profound positive impact on me, especially in cultivating a growth mindset that helped me overcome negative thoughts and break free from my comfort zone and fixed mindset. One of the key takeaways was understanding the four phases: comfort zone, fear zone, learning zone, and growth zone, which empowered me to reflect on myself and strive for continuous improvement.


Embracing Growth Mindset

The ILT session not only equipped me with knowledge but also ignited a sense of confidence and motivation within me. By completing the multiple-choice and essay questions, I achieved an excellent grade. This accomplishment made me immensely proud of myself as I realized how diligently I had absorbed the materials. It boosted my self-belief and fueled my determination to continue applying a growth mindset in my real-life experiences. I understood that by embracing a growth mindset, I could constantly challenge myself, learn from failures, and seek opportunities for personal and professional development.

The Power of Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is a transformative approach that enables individuals to embrace challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth. It shifts our perception of failure, turning it into a valuable learning experience rather than a reflection of our limitations. With a growth mindset, we become more resilient, adaptable, and willing to step out of our comfort zones. We understand that progress and success come through continuous learning, effort, and perseverance.

Applying Growth Mindset Beyond the ILT

The ILT session was just the beginning of my growth mindset journey. I realized that applying this mindset in my everyday life could lead to incredible personal and professional growth. By continually challenging myself, seeking new experiences, and being open to learning, I can expand my skills, knowledge, and horizons. The growth mindset encourages me to set ambitious goals, embrace feedback, and persist in the face of obstacles. It allows me to unlock my full potential and discover the limitless possibilities that lie ahead.

Strategies for Developing a Growth Mindset. In my journey of embracing a growth mindset, I discovered several strategies that have been instrumental in my personal development

  1. Embrace Challenges: Instead of shying away from challenges, I now see them as opportunities for growth. I actively seek out tasks and projects that push me outside my comfort zone, knowing that they will enable me to learn and develop new skills
  2. Emphasize Effort and Persistence: I understand that effort and perseverance are key ingredients for success. I focus on putting in consistent effort and maintaining a positive attitude, even when faced with difficulties or setbacks.
  3. Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity: Rather than viewing failure as a reflection of my abilities, I now see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. I analyze my failures, identify areas for improvement, and adjust my approach accordingly.
  4. Seek Feedback: Feedback is a valuable tool for growth. I actively seek feedback from mentors, peers, and colleagues, using it as a means to identify areas where I can improve and grow further.
  5. Cultivate a Love for Learning: I have developed a passion for continuous learning. I seek out new knowledge, explore different perspectives, and invest time in self-education. I understand that learning is a lifelong journey, and each new piece of information brings me closer to my full potential.

Being a part of Bangkit Academy 2023 batch 1 has been a transformative experience, and the ILT session on growth mindset has played a pivotal role in my personal development. Kak Dita Amallya’s insightful guidance and comprehensive delivery inspired me to adopt a growth mindset. Through this mindset, I have gained the confidence to overcome challenges, embrace failures as stepping stones to success, and continually strive for self-improvement. As I journey forward, I will carry the lessons learned from the ILT and apply the power of a growth mindset in every aspect of my life, unlocking my full potential and achieving remarkable growth and success. By embracing challenges, emphasizing effort and persistence, embracing failure as a learning opportunity, seeking feedback, and cultivating a love for learning, I am confident in my ability to continually evolve and achieve new heights.




Felix Yusuf Maskandinata

Hello! I'm Felix Yusuf Maskandinata, a student with a passion for Cloud Computing. I'm currently pursuing my education at a University Sebelas April Sumedang.