How can businesses be sure that their data is secure when using AI?

Great Learning
3 min readMar 14, 2022


In the past few years, we have witnessed the increased use of AI in various industries. It is because it is a wonderful way to automate the processes and improve the efficiency of the work. However, Artificial Intelligence is not free from risks. There are many ethical implications that companies should take care of. One of them is data security. How can businesses be sure that their data is secure when using AI in their operations? Data security is a significant concern for many organizations using AI technology.

AI and data security are closely related because AI relies on data to learn. Data security is an essential part of AI because, without it, we cannot trust the results and predictions made by the machine. And without trust, there is no use for AI in business. It’s essential to ensure data safety from hackers and parties with malicious intent.

Businesses can be sure that their data is secure when using AI by ensuring that they are using a reputable and reliable AI provider. Additionally, businesses should ensure that they have strong data security measures in place to protect their data from unauthorized access or theft. Here are a few points discussed which ensures data safety while using Ai for business:

  • The environment needs to be secure and have specific access controls in place
  • There needs to be an audit trail of all operations performed on data by AI systems
  • The system needs to have appropriate access controls and authentication mechanisms in place

Also following these steps at the workplace can ensure data security:

Plan and create a data protection policy

Create a data protection policy, which ensures that any data collected is only used for the purposes it was collected for. One of the most important steps in implementing responsible AI is establishing a clear strategy and roadmap for how AI will be used in your organization. This should include a clear definition of what AI is, what purposes it will be used for, and what ethical and safety considerations will be taken into account.

Educate your workforce

Educate your employees for responsible AI. Consider providing an AI course to the employees to gain a better understanding of the applications of AI and the risks and benefits associated with it.

Implement safety and security protocols

There are many ways to make sure that the data is safe and secure. One way is to design a system with a human-in-the-loop to prevent any malicious behavior. Another way is to use encryption techniques like homomorphic encryption, which encrypts data without decrypting it. These techniques have been used in many different fields like medical research, high-frequency trading, and even social media analytics.

Risk assessments

AI applications can pose a risk to individuals, groups, or societies if they are used to harm or exploit people. For example, an AI system could be used to identify and target individuals for harassment or fraud. The companies should conduct risk assessments of all AI applications and tools in use to identify and mitigate any potential risks.

Wrapping up

Before wrapping up, it is important to understand that artificial intelligence can revolutionize business. It makes businesses more efficient and effective. However, businesses still need to go far to secure their data while using AI. Having an ethical AI should be the goal that will make business better.

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Contributed by: Akriti Galav, Saket Gupta



Great Learning

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