Natural Language Processing in AI | Great Learning

Great Learning
3 min readFeb 18, 2022


Natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield within the broader field of computer science Artificial Intelligence, the study and design of intelligent agents. NLP’s goal is to develop methods, techniques, and algorithms to allow computers to process human languages. In other words, Natural language processing (NLP) is an artificial intelligence technology that enables machines to understand and process human language.

Natural Language Processing in AI

NLP-based applications are already widely used in the field of information retrieval and are becoming an important part of the solutions for search engine optimization, machine translation, chatbots, voice recognition, and biometric authentication systems.

AI is one of the most revolutionizing technologies. There is a huge demand for professionals working across this technology. Many are aspiring to pursue AI courses and get into the job roles offered in this domain.

NLP is one of the major applications of AI. AI employs the techniques of Natural Processing in many ways.

Let us look into the applications of NLP in AI

  • Language translation

In this article, we’ll discuss the concept of natural language processing (NLP) and how it helps us translate text from one language to another. NLP is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI), which provides computer systems with the ability to “think” for themselves. The objective of natural language processing research is to develop methods and tools that allow computers to understand, generate, and analyze human languages. Facebook is currently using NLP for language translation.

  • Autocorrect and Autocomplete

Autocomplete and autocorrect are two of the most useful features of search engines. Autocomplete is a function that completes a word or phrase as you type. It helps to save time and effort by providing words that match the letters you have already written. Autocorrect, on the other hand, corrects your spelling mistakes as you tap out messages on your keyboard. In NLP, there is a greater focus on natural language processing. The main idea behind this was to provide a more human-like experience to the user. This includes improving search queries by learning from every user query to make suggestions for users’ next searches.

  • Survey Analysis

In the last 10 years, Natural Language Processing (NLP) has been applied to different fields like Information Retrieval, Machine Translation and Text Summarization. NLP techniques have also been used for sentiment analysis of tweets about companies or products. NLP is employed in survey analysis as a way of gathering public opinion about a company or its products.

  • Voice Assistants

Voice assistants are one of the major applications of NLP. With the popularity of smart home devices and services, such as Amazon’s Alexa, Google Home, and Apple’s Siri, voice assistants have become extremely popular. These virtual assistants use natural language processing (NLP) to understand human speech. NLP is used by developers to create applications that can process requests from human beings in a natural way. We no longer have to deal with latency and errors when interacting with our devices; voice assistants are available in almost every home device, from mobile phones to smart speakers to cars.

Do take up an AI course today and learn more about NLP and other interesting concepts of AI.

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Contributed by: Mamatha, Saket Gupta



Great Learning

Great Learning is an ed-tech company for professional and higher education that offers comprehensive, industry-relevant programs.