What are the benefits of using AI for problem-solving?

Great Learning
3 min readMar 8, 2022


AI has the potential to help us solve problems that are too difficult for humans to solve on our own. AI can help us process large amounts of data quickly and identify patterns that we wouldn’t be able to see on our own. AI can also help us test different hypotheses and come up with new solutions to problems.

AI can be used for problem-solving in many different areas. The potential application of AI for problem-solving is vast and varied, depending on the industry. Some of the most common applications of AI for problem-solving in different industries include:

  • Healthcare — In the healthcare industry, AI can assist doctors in diagnosing patients and recommending treatments. Healthcare is one of the industries that are benefiting from the use of AI, and it helps to diagnose patients, recommend treatments and even help with the management of chronic conditions.
  • Law — AI is not just for creative industries. It has also been used in the legal field. AI can speed up the process of law and reduce the amount of time it takes to process a case. One example is that AI can read through hundreds or thousands of pages in minutes, which would take lawyers hours or days to do manually. AI can be used for tasks such as legal research, contract review, and case management.
  • Finance — AI is revolutionizing the finance industry by making it more efficient. It is helping to automate tasks that would otherwise be done by humans. The most common use of AI in the finance industry is its ability to predict trends and patterns in financial data. This helps traders make better investment decisions and also allows traders to minimize risk. Another way AI is used in finance is for fraud detection and prevention. AI enables banks to detect fraud more efficiently than manual methods, which means that they can save money on staffing costs and reduce fraud-related losses. Some of the most popular applications of AI are chatbots, which are used for customer service, marketing campaigns, and sales inquiries.
  • Retail — AI is used in the retail industry to provide a better customer experience. AI-powered chatbots can answer customer queries, recommend products and services, and even allow customers to order items without having to talk to anyone. AI can also be used for inventory management, price optimization, and customer service tasks.
  • Transportation — The transportation industry is one of the first industries that have adopted AI technology. AI has been used in the industry to improve efficiency and safety. AI is playing a major role in the future of transportation, with some experts predicting that self-driving cars will be commonplace by 2030. AI can be used for tasks such as traffic management, route planning, and accident prevention.
  • Manufacturing — A lot of companies are using Artificial Intelligence in the manufacturing industry. This is because AI can help them produce products more efficiently and with better quality. Some of the tasks that AI can do in the manufacturing industry are:
  1. Automating production lines to make sure that all of the products are made efficiently.
  2. Predicting when parts will break so they can be replaced before a product is ruined.
  3. Providing instructions for how to complete a task, AI can be used for tasks such as quality control, machine maintenance, and process optimization.

To implement AI in your business applications and to solve business problems, it is important to learn Artificial Intelligence. This leads to better implementation of the solutions to the business problems.

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Contributed by: Akriti Galav, Saket Gupta



Great Learning

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