My Green Space Wins 2nd Place in Startup Weekend Vancouver 2014!

My Green Space
1 min readNov 17, 2014


It’s official, My Green Space won 2nd place in Vancouver Start up Weekend 2014!

Picture taken on 2014–11–16

It’s been an incredible journey, we’re super grateful for all the mentoring we’ve received from the startup community. We’d like to thank everyone who’s shared our links, supported our Indiegogo fundraising campaign, and helped us along in whatever way they can!

After 54 hours of work, it’s time to take a break and have a beer.

But its not over!

But we’re going to keep this unbelievable momentum rolling.

We raised $400 in our first day with our indigogo crowdfunding, won office space at launch academy and legal fees to make this a real company.

Help us continue to spread the word, we have 59 days left to raise the money to make my green space a reality.

Stay tuned for the revolution in urban farming.

The team

