7 most loved deeds by god!

Hazrath Ali (R.A) Said “A bad deed which you regret in your heart is a thousand times better than a good deed on which you feel proud.

3 min readFeb 29, 2024

Allah hates pride and ego and if you knew the tendency of how much Allah hates pride you would never sit on a chair you would sit on the grounds with poor people.


Here are the 7 most rare deeds that Allah loves when you do for him:

1:True repentance:

Allah loves a sincere sorry and a true tauba, an honest repentance from the heart. Allah does not look at how many sheep you slaughter at Eid, he does not count on how much money you spend on picnics and your kitty parties. But a true tauba which you do with your heart, Allah is fond of this deed. He is all merciful compassionate and forgiving.

2-A fearful heart:

Allah loves it when you stop doing bad deeds by remembering and fearing Allah. Allah loves when you stop yourself from stealing or doing any bad deed, thinking that no one is looking at you. Allah is there above and he is looking.


Allah loves fasting, he said that fasting is very dear and special for him and he will reward the one who fasts by himself directly. The fasting is only between him and you.

4-Abandoning pleasures:

Allah loves you when you boycott and abandon pleasures to please him. For example, Allah loves you even more when you leave any bad habit for his sake and when you stop spending time in a disco and spend that time praying and reading Quraan instead.

5- Healing a broken heart:

Allah shared three secrets with Prophet Mohammed (saaw) on the night of Meraj when Prophet Mohammed (saaw) met him on arsh.

Among these 3 secrets, one secret is

Allah will put that person in Jannah paradise without counting his good or bad deeds before all and before everyone else.

And that person is the one who heals a heart that is oppressed torn and broken.

Allah said when you do things to please him, Allah will do things to please you.

6- Showing gratitude:

Allah loves a person who shows gratitude for him for everything and counts the blessings bestowed upon him. And he dislikes the habit of pessimism and ingratitude. In Quraan, Allah often mentions it at several places questioning humans about gratitude and showing the value of it.

7- Patience:

Allah supports a person who is patient and loves a man who is patient and forgiving; he does not like people who are impatient, hasty, and unforgiving. If you do not forgive Allah`s creation how can you expect him to forgive you for your sins? In Quraan Allah says:

innallaha maassabireen — it means Allah is with those who are patient.




Author of 15 books on Kindle,A poet, creative fiction writer and blogger catch me at https://www.amazon.com/author/farahnaaztww