Best Professional Lash Lifting Kits — Ideal to Give Long-lasting Effects to Your Lashes

2 min readJul 10, 2023

My Lamination Australia brand is happy to announce best professional lash lifting kits. My Lamination Australia brand is all about lash health. It is very gentle yet effective product range for lash and brow lamination.

After each lash lamination, our clients get healthy lashes which are measurably and visibly longer, thicker and fuller. Our best professional lash lift kits are ideal for those who already own a well-established lash lift clientele. Our kits are quick, profitable and in high demand with clients who want to streamline their beauty routine. Such kits can be easily applied straight after the lash lift.

Our Vitamin Lash Brow mask is product which not merely instantly nourishes the hair and gives it proper health, thickness but keeps on working to promote length and fullness. Actually this mask is part of our lamination protocol. Also, hydrating serum is used at the end to seal the hair cuticle and prevent any damage to the lash/brow hairs with dissolve glue.

The products in our lash lifting kits are specifically designed considering user’s lash health in mind. The end goal is always to make sure the lashes are perfectly lifted, thicker, fuller glowing with health.

Vitamin Lash Brow Mask will improve your lash and brow structure, protect against environmental factors, extend life cycle of the hair and also stimulate new hair growth. It will repair any existing damage while thickening and lengthening existing lashes. Additionally it will protect, strengthen, moisturize and nourish the lash and brow hairs.

Lash lifts make the natural lashes appear longer, lifted and curled without needing lash extensions. With the lash lift kit, you can offer your client six different lift levels. The process uses cream-based solutions for optimal safety, comfort and health. This lash lift kit is a perfect alternative for clients who easily want to avoid maintaining eyelash extensions.

At, our lash lifting kit includes Lami Glue Balm. It is first of its kind on the lash lift market. It wrap your natural lashes extremely fast and easy and moreover you can adjust the lashes at any point of the procedure because the balm does not fully dry. This glue balm is packed with nourishing oils that will encapsulate the natural lash and protects them from dehydration during the step 1 and step 2 of your lash lift solution.

Our Lami Glue Balm includes three important oils like Argan, Jojoba, and Avocado. The glue easily penetrates into the lashes and provides deep hydration. Best formulated without harsh ingredients, you can safely apply glue close to the lash line without causing any side-effects.

