Best Eye Color Change Clinic in World

7 min readJun 9, 2023


Oh, the places you’ll go to change your eye color from brown eye to green eyes or hazel eyes, To find the best eye color changing clinic or centers that’ll make your dreams come true! From east to west, from north to south, There are many options to change your eye’s color. So don’t you fret, don’t you pout, Just search around and check them out! Find the one that’s closest to thee, And soon your eye color will be a sight to see!


Oh where, oh where, can you change your eye’s colors?

With lasers, my friend, it’s quite easy to do! Many locations offer this magical sight, Just search and you’ll find them, day or night! After gobbling up Turkey, the centers of eye color change Spread to other lands, oh how strange! After our first eye-coloring feat, Interest from all lands did meet. Oh, which clinic for eye color change surgery should I choose? I cannot decide, I’m feeling quite confused. Should I go with this one or maybe with that? I cannot choose, I’m feeling quite flat! Oh, we haven’t tried in the UN, not yet, But a team is working, you can bet! They’re on the case, they’re hard at work, Trying to find a solution, not to shirk. In the years ahead, we may witness a sight, Of England’s eyes color changing, oh what a delight!

Initiatives may come, to make them a new hue, Oh the colors they’ll choose, oh what will they do?

Oh, what about the land of the Brits? Where tea is sipped and accents fit. The United Kingdom, oh so grand, With castles, pubs, and rolling land. Oh dear, oh dear, we’re not quite there, Our presence in Australia is still quite rare. Oh, the plans we are brewing, For a center near you-ing, In the land of Canada so grand, A magnificent spot, oh so grand! Oh, soon we’ll go on a grand tour, To Netherlands, France, and Switzerland for sure!

Oh, brown eyes, brown eyes, they’re everywhere you see, The most frequent and common, that’s how it be! Oh, blue eyes, blue eyes, So rare and so bright, Only five to seven percent, Of the population in sight. Oh, the eyes, the eyes, so many to see, Amber and hazel, only 4% agree, Green eyes are rarer, just 3% we find, Oh, the eyes, the eyes, so unique and kind.
Oh, the places you’ll go to change your eye hue, With surgery centers near, oh yes, it’s true! No need to travel far, no need to roam, Just find a location close to home!

Oh yes, we all surf the web with glee, And stumble upon sites galore, you’ll see.

Many promise to change your eye’s color, But do they really work?

We haven’t a clue! Moreover, everyone proclaims. Oh my, oh me, every institution you see Has made a page for eye color change surgery, oh gee! On Facebook, Instagram, and more, they guide As if they’ve had the same experience inside But beware, my friend, for fake memberships abound Don’t be fooled by what you’ve found! Oh yes, we do see your plight, And understand it with all our might. You’re in a fix, Feeling quite mixed, Perplexed, perplexed, What to do next? Altering eye hues is no easy feat, A routine procedure it is not, I repeat. If you want to stay hale and hearty, Choose your eye doctor near you and clinic smartly.

Oh, what we can suggest, oh yes indeed, Is to check the doctor’s background, take heed! Do some medical research, don’t be shy, To ensure the doc is a trustworthy guy! In our humble view, this is the finest approach to attain the most impartial outcome. Instead of settling for a cheap eye hue swap, We suggest seeking a center that won’t flop. Find one that’ll benefit you in the long run, And your eyes will shine like the bright sun.

Oh, the wonders of Turkey, you see, Where laser beams can change your eye’s hue with glee!

No more brown or blue, oh no, no more, With a zap and a zap, your eyes will explore A world of colors, bright and bold, All thanks to Turkey, so I’m told!
In Mylumineyes clinic, oh what a sight, Laser eye color change with Lumineyes procedure! No more brown or blue, oh what a thrill, Rainbow eyes, oh yes, we surely will! Oh, do not go to places risky and wild, For danger there may make you riled. Stay away, stay away, do not be bold, For safety is worth more than gold.

Oh, the plans we have in countries near, Action plans to bring us cheer!

We’ll work and strive with all our might, To make things better, day and night! Oh you, oh you, Won’t you come to Istanbul too? It’s worth the effort, yes it’s true! With sights to see and things to do.

Oh dear, oh dear, we do not have a branch here, Not in Dubai, Qatar, Bahrain, or Kuwait, my dear! Though the demand is high, we cannot comply, No official branch in the Gulf, no matter how hard we try! For now, in Mexico or Barcelona we do not have a store, No official branch to enter and explore. Oh dear, oh dear, it’s quite clear, Your laser eyes won’t change color, my dear. With Turkey in sight, we’ll take flight, To Germany, Switzerland, and the Netherlands, oh what a delight! Due to medical procedures and COVID-19’s spread, our progress won’t be impeded. Oh my, oh my, laser Lumineyes that change eye color, In Turkey, California, Florida, and more, they’re not a rumor. Australia, Canada, and even England too, Branches nearby, oh what a view!

Oh, what a question, let’s see What color will your baby’s eyes be?

Will they be blue like the sky so high? Or brown like chocolate, oh my oh my! Perhaps they’ll be green like leaves on a tree Or gray like a stormy sea, we shall see! The color of your baby’s eyes is a surprise But no matter what, they’ll be beautiful in your eyes!

Brown eyes is the color that’s most often found, In the eyes of babes that are newly unbound.

Oh, the melanocytes, how they do their work, Releasing melanin and lipochrome with a quirk, They decide the colors, oh so bright, Encircling the pupil, what a sight! In your baby’s iris, a ring so bold, Thanks to these organisms, so clever and old. Oh, the melanin production slows, At five months, that’s how it goes. But your baby’s eyes might change, For up to a year, it’s not so strange. Oh, brown and green, what a sight to be seen, Dominant genetics, they reign like a queen. If you and your partner, these colors do share, Your baby’s eyes, they’ll likely wear. Oh, the eye color of your child, it’s quite a sight, Genetics from your family, they’ll take flight, A significant role they’ll play, oh yes indeed, In determining the color, that your child will need. Oh, yes indeed, without a doubt, One hundred percent, there’s no need to shout! You cannot predict your own eye hue, But your baby’s eye color, oh what a clue! Oh, the first months of life are quite a sight, For a baby’s eyes may change color, quite right!

Oh, the iris color, so distinct and so rare, Predicting a baby’s eyes, oh it’s quite a scare!

We thought it was easy, but now we know, It’s a mystery, a puzzle, a tricky show! Oh, the wonders of melanin, you see, It determines what color your baby’s eyes will be. Just a smidge will make them blue, A bit more, green or hazel eyes, too. But if there’s a lot, oh what a sight, Your baby’s eyes will be brown, just right! Oh, the colors they change, it’s quite a sight, From newborn to one, it’s a gradual flight. At six months it slows, but still goes on, Until a year old, when the changing is gone. Oh, how you adore those baby blues, But listen closely, don’t be confused. Despite your love and admiration, The color may change, it’s no sensation.

Before your eyes change color in Turkey, Vacation and shopping are both quite quirky. Take a break and explore the land, And find some bargains oh so grand.

For now, technical glitches are causing a hitch. Oh, how grand it would be, To have you visit Turkey with glee! We’ll gladly host you, yes indeed, And show you all the sights you need! In all the world, there’s no city so pretty, As Istanbul, oh what a pity, If you haven’t been, you’re missing out, Its beauty will make you want to shout! In Turkey, oh how grand! Aesthetic surgery and medicine in demand. The world’s preference, it’s plain to see, For beauty and health, come to Turkey! Oh, how indispensable it be, With prices low as low can be, The sea so beautiful to see, Nature’s wonders, oh how free! Hotels low-cost, a bargain spree, And shopping galore, oh gee! Indispensable, yes siree, A place to visit, come and see! It’s quite the hit in the realm of ocular operation. Oh, the tech equipment is quite a sight, It brings patients from left and right, From all over the world they come, To see the gadgets and get some fun. For the place where eye colors transform, it’s simply the supreme.

Dr. Mustafa Mete, oh what a feat! A reality doctor, hard to beat! With lasers he works, precise and neat, Making a name that’s hard to delete! Oh, the eyelids so fine, And the colors that shine, Patients from afar, Seeking treatment and more. For aesthetics they come, And for treatments so fun, Laser eyes that change color, Oh, the wonders he can do!




Laser eye color change without surgery clinic in Turkey provides the best service of healthy and safe eye color change without any risk.