How to Create Multiple “Special Workspaces” in HyprlandAn easy to understand guide on to create special workspaces in Hyprland (DE) on your favorite linux distroJan 14Jan 14
Empty your cupIt is up to us to enact the changes we wish to see in our lives, to bring our shadow into the light and lead it towards enlightment and…Jan 2Jan 2
Am I alone or is there somebody else?A short analyis of self-talk, prayer and faithNov 22, 2024Nov 22, 2024
Your beliefs determine your perception“You have nailed yourself to a cross, and placed a crown of thorns upon your own head.” - A Course in MiraclesNov 8, 2024Nov 8, 2024
How to control two computers (Windows & linux) with one mouse & keyboardIf you have multiple PCs are home and they’re both set up on your desk (lets say a laptop and a desktop) chances are is that you’re using…Oct 21, 2024Oct 21, 2024
Hypridle won’t wake up from sleep (Hyprland)If you’re like me, then you’ve encounted this weird bug in Hyprland where once your computer decides to go to sleep for an extended period…Sep 4, 2024Sep 4, 2024
How to use special work spaces (scratchpad) in Hyprland (linux)I come from the world of i3wm (i3 window manager) and it’s kind of taken me some time to adjust to the way that hyprland does things —…Sep 1, 20242Sep 1, 20242
How to make Obsidian’s preview pop up largerIf you’re anything like me then you found Obsidian at some point in your life and absolutely fell in love with it’s simplicity as well as…Aug 30, 2024Aug 30, 2024
Using keyd in Hyprland to rebind your right alt key to escape (linux)I recently started messing around with hyprland (which uses wayland) on my archcraft linux installation.Jul 29, 2024Jul 29, 2024