Stronger Together: How Strength Training and Weight Loss Go Hand in Hand

My Nutrition Habitude
5 min readJul 26, 2023


Hey there! Let’s talk about strength training, a crucial yet frequently disregarded component of weight loss. Strength training is crucial to successfully attaining your goals, despite the fact that many individuals link weight loss with cardio exercises like jogging, cycling, or swimming.

Muscle burns more calories than fat, therefore strength training helps grow muscle. Your resting metabolic rate increases with muscle mass, so even while you’re at rest, you’re burning more calories. Therefore, including strength training in your weight loss plan can make it easier for you to achieve your goals more quickly.

The following justifies the importance of strength training for weight loss:

  1. Lean muscle mass, which is metabolically active and burns more calories even while at rest, is produced with the aid of strength training.
  2. Due to the “after-burn effect,” it burns calories not only during the workout but also for up to 24–48 hours afterward.
  3. Muscle loss is a normal occurrence when reducing weight, however, strength training helps keep muscle mass while losing fat.
  4. It increases metabolism, increasing calorie burn and aiding in weight loss.
  5. For the purpose of preventing osteoporosis and preserving bodily health, it strengthens bones.

You don’t need expensive equipment or a gym membership to include strength training in your weight loss program. Exercises like push-ups, squats, lunges, and planks can be done at home with just your body weight or resistance bands. Increase the intensity and duration of your workouts gradually as you aim toward strength training at least twice per week.

Keep in mind that losing weight requires perseverance, consistency, and a holistic approach. A nutritious diet, appropriate sleep, and a combination of strength training and cardio can result in long-term weight loss and a happier, healthier life.

Let’s take a look at some examples of strength training exercises that you can do at home using just your body weight or resistance bands:

Wall Push-Ups: Wall push-ups target your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles.

How to do it?

  • Start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet together.
  • Lower your body towards the wall by bending your elbows, keeping your body straight and engaging your core.
  • Push back to the starting position, squeezing your chest and triceps muscles.

Squats: Squats are a compound exercise that works your lower body muscles, including glutes, quads, and hamstrings.

How to do it?

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and toes pointing forward.
  • Lower your body towards the ground by bending your knees, keeping your back straight and your chest lifted.
  • Push back to the starting position, squeezing your glutes and leg muscles.

Lunges: Lunges target your quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

How to do it?

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and take a big step forward with your right foot.
  • Lower your body towards the ground by bending both knees, keeping your back straight and your chest lifted.
  • Push back to the starting position, squeezing your leg muscles.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Plank: Plank is a bodyweight exercise that targets your core muscles, including your abs, obliques, and lower back.

How to do it?

  • Start in a push-up position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet together.
  • Lower your forearms to the ground, keeping your elbows under your shoulders.
  • Hold this position, keeping your body straight and engaging your core.

Resistance Band Rows: Resistance band rows work your upper back muscles, including lats, rhomboids, and traps.

How to do it?

  • Attach a resistance band to a sturdy object, like a doorknob or a post.
  • Stand facing the band, holding the handles with your arms straight out in front of you.
  • Pull the band towards your body by bending your elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • Slowly release back to the starting position.

You have the flexibility to adapt these exercises according to your fitness level, and if you wish, you can intensify them by incorporating additional repetitions or sets. Prioritize warming up before your workout and engaging in stretching exercises afterward to minimize the risk of injuries and promote a speedy recovery.

My hope is that these suggestions and exercises will motivate you to integrate strength training into your weight loss journey. Achieve your goals with dedication and determination, and you’ll see incredible results.

Thank you for reading my blog post and have a great summer! 😊

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