The Top 7 Tips You Need for a Healthy and Enjoyable In The Summer

My Nutrition Habitude
6 min readJun 27, 2023


Hey there! Make the most of the summer season by prioritizing your physical and mental well-being with these 7 wellness suggestions. Engage in outdoor activities, protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, opt for light and nutritious foods, take precautions to keep cool in high temperatures, have fun and enjoy various activities, and practice gratitude and positivity. By embracing these tips, you can make this summer a time of vitality and happiness.

We must take a few easy steps to safeguard our health while enjoying the summer.

Here are 7 tips for you to live healthy in the summer:

Get outside and be active

The summer months are ideal for increasing physical activity and maintaining your fitness. There are many entertaining activities you may perform outside thanks to longer days and holiday preparations. You can, for instance, take a stroll or a hike, visit a zoo or another outdoor amusement area, tour a nature reserve or park, ride a bike, run, or go swimming. Our mental health is bolstered by exercise, which also helps us stay fit and have better sleep.

Protect yourself from the sun

We require some sun exposure each day to maintain good health since sunlight is an important source of vitamin D. However, the UV radiation from the sun can harm our skin and raise our risk of developing cancer. Sunlight comes in two varieties: UVA and UVB. Our skin is deeply penetrated by UVA radiation, which harms blood vessels and connective tissue. Excessive UVA exposure can lead to skin elasticity loss, wrinkles, and early aging. UVB rays, in contrast, do not penetrate deeply into the skin. However, they result in the immediate skin damage and redness that we identify with sunburn. Because of this, it’s critical to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 15 as well as shade, wide-brimmed hats, clothing that covers the skin, and other sun protection measures. You should apply sunscreen before going outside and reapply every two hours and after swimming, sweating or towel drying.

Drink plenty of water

We lose more water through perspiration and evaporation throughout the summer. Headaches, exhaustion, lightheadedness, confusion, and even heat stroke are all symptoms of dehydration. To be hydrated and healthy, we must consume more water than usual. Our needs for water vary depending on our age, weight, exercise level, and climate, among other things. But generally speaking, experts advise consuming at least eight glasses of water each day. Watermelon, cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes, and other fruits and vegetables with high water content are good sources of water. Drinks with caffeine, alcohol, or sugar should be avoided as they can further dehydrate you.

Eat healthy and light

Fresh, in-season produce that is high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants is also a wonderful thing to enjoy in the summer. These nutrients can strengthen our bodies natural defenses, regulate blood pressure, avoid constipation, and lessen inflammation. Berries, cherries, peaches, melons, tomatoes, maize, zucchini, cucumbers, lettuce, and herbs are some of the season’s greatest edibles. You may use these items to create delectable salads, smoothies, soups, and desserts. Avoid oily, hefty foods as much as you can to avoid feeling sluggish and bloated. Limit the amount of processed food, salt, and sugar you consume as these substances might be harmful to your health.

Keep cool

Sun-related disorders like weariness, cramps, and heat stroke can be brought on by high temperatures and humidity. If not treated right away, these illnesses may be fatal. Avoid vigorous activity during the hottest part of the day, dress in airy, light-colored clothing, utilize fans or air conditioners, and drink lots of water to prevent them. You should get medical help right away if you feel weak, queasy, disoriented, or have a fast heartbeat.

Have fun and enjoy yourself

Enjoying oneself and having fun is also encouraged over the summer. The summer offers many opportunities for activities that will make you content and pleased. You may take a journey or a road trip, see old friends or new ones, learn a new skill, read a book or see a movie, go to a festival or a concert, volunteer for a good cause, or join a club, for instance. There are numerous options. Positivity, happiness, and stress reduction can all be increased by having fun and enjoying yourself. So this summer, have fun and don’t be scared to let loose.

Be grateful and positive

Not least of all, the summer is a time to be thankful and upbeat. The emotion of gratitude is one of appreciation for what we have and what we go through in life. We can become happier, healthier, more resilient, and more content with our life when we practice gratitude. Maintaining a gratitude notebook, writing thank-you notes, showing others your appreciation in verbal or nonverbal ways, or just being aware of the positive aspects of your life are all ways to practice gratitude. Having an optimistic outlook means anticipating the greatest results and looking on the bright side of things. Being optimistic can make it easier for us to deal with difficulties, get past roadblocks, accomplish our goals, and attract new chances. You can be more positive by reframing negative thoughts into positive ones, surrounding yourself with positive people and influences, setting realistic and achievable goals and celebrating your successes.

I hope you find these 7 summer wellness suggestions for healthy living helpful and motivating. Keep in mind that the summer is a great time to take care of your physical and mental health. Therefore, make the most of it and relish every second.

Thank you for reading my blog post and have a great summer! 😊

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