Boost 🚀your Android Developer Workflow with Chat-GPT!

Abhishek Pathak
8 min readJun 15, 2023

Supercharge productivity with AI!

Experience an enlightening experiment 👁

Hey there! 👋
I hope you’re doing well. Recently, I embarked on an intriguing journey of integrating Chat-GPT (specifically Bing Chat, which utilizes GPT-4) into my Android Development routine. My goal was to enhance productivity, and I must say, the results have been truly enlightening!

Within just a few days of using it, I was astonished by the remarkable boost it provided to my development workflow! Tasks that used to take a significant amount of time were now accomplished at lightning speed. As I continued to explore Chat-GPT, I discovered several invaluable use cases where it can save you considerable time in your own development workflow. In this article, I’ll be sharing those prime use cases with you.

📢 Calling all Android Developers! 👩‍💻

Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

Attention: This article is primarily targeted towards intermediate and advanced Android developers, and may not be suitable for beginners.

Additionally, it is important to note that utilizing LLMs (Large Language Models) such as Chat-GPT should not be limited to merely copying and pasting code without comprehension. Acquiring a deep understanding of Android development is an invaluable skill that surpasses the convenience of code replication. Once you have a solid grasp of the fundamentals, you can leverage LLMs to further enhance your productivity in ways that will truly skyrocket your efficiency.

Unlock the full potential of your Android Developer workflow with Chat-GPT’s game-changing use cases!


Use-Case 1: Generate KDOC kotlin documentation

As a developer, creating documentation holds significant importance. Not only does it help others understand your code’s purpose, but it also serves as a helpful reference for yourself when revisiting it after a substantial period of time.

Traditionally, documentation has been a challenging task for many programmers, as it detracts from the actual coding process. However, with the aid of Chat-GPT, you can save a tremendous amount of time! Simply request it to generate the documentation for you. Nonetheless, it’s crucial to review and refine the generated content to ensure it accurately reflects your intended meaning. This highly practical use case has personally saved me copious amounts of time. Here’s an example:

fun searchNews(
@Query("keywords") keywords: String,
@Query("start_date") start_date: String,
@Query("end_date") end_date: String,
@Query("category") category: String? = null,
@Query("country") country: String? = null,
@Query("language") language: String? = null
): Single<LatestNewsResponse>

Auto-generate KDOC Kotlin documentation for the method “..” using Chat-GPT.

Searches for news articles based on specified criteria.
@param keywords The keywords to search for.
@param start_date The start date of the news articles to search for.
@param end_date The end date of the news articles to search for.
@param category The category of the news articles to search for (optional).
@param country The country of the news articles to search for (optional).
@param language The language of the news articles to search for (optional).
@return A Single object that emits the response containing the latest news articles.
fun searchNews(
@Query("keywords") keywords: String,
@Query("start_date") start_date: String,
@Query("end_date") end_date: String,
@Query("category") category: String? = null,
@Query("country") country: String? = null,
@Query("language") language: String? = null
): Single<LatestNewsResponse>

Use Case 2: Composable Previews 📸

Simplify your Jetpack Compose Workflow: Effortless Composable Previews!

If you’re an avid Jetpack Compose user, we understand that setting up composable previews can be a time-consuming process. From creating a new private function to annotating it with @Preview, surrounding the composable with your theme composable, and filling in the arguments with sample data, it’s quite a lot of work just to view a preview of your composable!

But fret not! Guess what? Chat-GPT is here to assist you! Just ask it to handle all the tedious tasks for you. Here’s an example to get you started.

fun Message(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
text: AnnotatedString,
onTextLayout: (TextLayoutResult) -> Unit,
color: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onPrimary,
fontSize: TextUnit = 16.sp,
fontStyle: FontStyle? = null,
fontWeight: FontWeight? = null,
fontFamily: FontFamily? = null,
letterSpacing: TextUnit = TextUnit.Unspecified,
textDecoration: TextDecoration? = null,
textAlign: TextAlign? = null,
lineHeight: TextUnit = TextUnit.Unspecified,
overflow: TextOverflow = TextOverflow.Clip,
maxLines: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE,
) {
modifier = modifier,
text = text,
onTextLayout = onTextLayout,
color = color,
fontSize = fontSize,
fontStyle = fontStyle,
fontWeight = fontWeight,
fontFamily = fontFamily,
letterSpacing = letterSpacing,
textDecoration = textDecoration,
textAlign = textAlign,
lineHeight = lineHeight,
overflow = overflow,
maxLines = maxLines,

Solution by Chat GPT by this simple query

Write a preview composable for the following composable — “….”

fun MessagePreview() {
val messageText = AnnotatedString("Hello, world!")

modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
text = messageText,
onTextLayout = { /* Handle text layout result */ },
color = Color.Black,
fontSize = 20.sp,
fontStyle = FontStyle.Italic,
fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
fontFamily = FontFamily.Serif,
letterSpacing = 0.1.em,
textDecoration = TextDecoration.LineThrough,
textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
lineHeight = 24.sp,
overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis,
maxLines = 2,

Use Case 3: Code Generation
Chat-GPT can generate code snippets or complete methods/functions based on your specifications. You can provide the desired behavior or requirements, and Chat-GPT can generate the corresponding code for you. For example, you can ask Chat-GPT to generate a RecyclerView adapter implementation or a function to handle network requests.

Try: Generate a function to calculate the sum of two numbers in Kotlin.

solution by Chat-GPT

fun calculateSum(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
return a + b

Use Case 4: Syntax Assistance: If you’re unsure about the correct syntax or how to use a particular API, Chat-GPT can provide guidance and examples. It can help you with proper function calls, parameter ordering, and usage of specific Android framework components like Intents, Fragments, or Services.

try: How do I start a new Activity in Android using an Intent?

solution by Chat-GPT

//To start a new Activity in Android using an Intent, you can use the following code:

val intent = Intent(this,

Use-Case 5: Troubleshooting
When facing errors or issues in your code, you can describe the problem to Chat-GPT, and it can help you identify potential causes and suggest solutions. It can assist in debugging, recommending checks for null references, or offering insights into common pitfalls.


I'm trying to display data from a Room database in my RecyclerView,
but the list is not showing up. What could be the issue?

solution by Chat-GPT

There could be a few potential issues causing the data not to display in your
RecyclerView. Here are some troubleshooting steps you can try:

1. Check Room Database Setup: Ensure that your Room database is set up
correctly. Verify that you have defined the necessary entities,
DAOs (Data Access Objects), and a database instance. Double-check if you
are correctly querying the data from the database using the DAO methods.

2. Verify Adapter and ViewHolder: Make sure you have set up the RecyclerView
adapter and ViewHolder correctly. Ensure that you have passed the data list
to the adapter and implemented the necessary overrides for
`onCreateViewHolder` and `onBindViewHolder` methods.

3. Confirm Data Population: Verify that the data you retrieved from the Room
database is properly populated in your data list. Check if you are correctly
assigning the data to the ViewHolder's views within the `onBindViewHolder` method.

4. RecyclerView Layout: Ensure that the RecyclerView has the necessary layout
attributes set up correctly. Verify that the RecyclerView's height is set to
`wrap_content` or a specific dimension that allows it to be visible.

5. Empty Data Handling: If your data list is empty, the RecyclerView will not
display anything. Check if the data is successfully fetched from the Room
database, and if not, inspect your database query or migration processes.

6. Layout Manager: Confirm that you have set up an appropriate layout manager
for your RecyclerView. Depending on your desired layout (e.g., linear, grid,
or staggered), ensure that the appropriate layout manager is assigned to the

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to identify and
resolve the issue with your RecyclerView not displaying data from the Room database.

Use-Case 6: Library/API Recommendations
If you’re looking for the right library or API to accomplish a specific task, Chat-GPT can suggest relevant options based on your requirements. It can provide information about popular libraries, their functionalities, and how to integrate them into your project.

I need to make network requests in my Android app. Can you suggest a popular
library for this?

solution by Chat-GPT

One popular library for handling network requests in Android is Retrofit. It provides a clean and efficient way to interact with RESTful APIs. You can easily integrate it into your project by adding the Retrofit dependencies to your build.gradle file and defining API interfaces with annotations for endpoints and request methods.

Use-Case 7: Best Practices

Chat-GPT can offer guidance on Android development best practices. It can help you follow design patterns like MVVM or MVP, provide recommendations for handling asynchronous operations, or suggest ways to optimize performance and memory usage.

What's the recommended approach for handling asynchronous operations in 

solution by Chat-GPT

One commonly recommended approach for handling asynchronous operations in Android is to use Kotlin coroutines along with the suspend and async/await keywords. Coroutines provide a way to write asynchronous code in a sequential and more readable manner, avoiding callbacks or complex threading. You can launch coroutines using the `launch` or `async` functions and use `suspend` modifier on functions that perform asynchronous operations.


By leveraging the power of Chat-GPT, Android developers can streamline their workflow, overcome coding challenges more efficiently, and enhance their productivity. Whether it’s generating code snippets, finding solutions to issues, or seeking recommendations, Chat-GPT serves as a valuable assistant, empowering developers to write better Android applications with ease.

Incorporating Chat-GPT into the development process can not only save time but also provide a knowledge resource that developers can leverage to enhance their skills and understanding of Android development. With its assistance, developers can overcome coding hurdles, learn new techniques, and deliver high-quality Android applications more effectively.

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