Unit Testing Series #3

Abhishek Pathak
4 min readOct 13, 2022


In this article, I am going to explore the building blocks to understand how to enter into testing world of Android app.

Annotations that are building Blocks of Unit test class

  1. @Test : This is the annotation that will make any method to be run under Junit. Once you add @Test annotation you will be able to test any existing functionality.
  2. @Before : This is the annotation that will be used for pre-requisite for any unit test methods. This method will be executed before executing any @test method of any test class. It is recommended to use @Before method when you have scenario’s like a particular class instance is going to reuse in many test methods then initialize it in @Before method will be a best choice.
  3. @After : This is the annotation that will be used after all the test method of a test class. @After annotation method can be used for tear down feature like shutdown feature. This is also very important to keep your variables reset once unit testing done.

Steps to test a simple feature in android

Step 1 : Write your feature class like I have a feature for register a user.

object ValidateRegistrationInput {

private val existingUsers = listOf("Abhishek", "Kai", "Jason")

fun isValidRegistrationInput(
username: String,
password: String,
confirmPassword: String
): Boolean {
if (username.isEmpty() || password.isEmpty() || confirmPassword.isEmpty()) {
return false
if (username in existingUsers) {
return false
if (password != confirmPassword) {
return false
if (password.count { it.isDigit() } < 6) {
return false
return true

Step 2: Let’s have a testing class so for that right click on the existing feature class and click on generate.

Step 3 : Click on Test that will ask you next steps

Step 4: After that a pop up came that will show a suggestion of your test class and few methods options to generate like @Before and @After. Click Ok.

Step 5: Now you got another popup that is for picking folder for test. By default all the local test should be tested under test folder while UI & Integration test should be created under androidTest folder.

Step 6: Write all the test cases required to test the feature end to end

internal class ValidateRegistrationInputTest {

fun `When username is empty Then return false`() {
val output = ValidateRegistrationInput.isValidRegistrationInput(


fun `When username, password, confirmedPassword is correct Then return true`() {
val output = ValidateRegistrationInput.isValidRegistrationInput(


fun `When username already exists Then return false`() {
val output = ValidateRegistrationInput.isValidRegistrationInput(


fun `When wrong confirmPassword entered Then return false`() {
val output = ValidateRegistrationInput.isValidRegistrationInput(


fun `When Password is less than six char Then return false`() {
val output = ValidateRegistrationInput.isValidRegistrationInput(


fun setUp() {
//This is the method where you can initialize the variable and use them for all test methods.

fun tearDown() {
// this method is used to unMock all the used variable or used as tear down feature

private companion object {
const val TEST_USERNAME = "test"
const val TEST_PASSWORD = "12345678"
const val TEST_INVALID_PASSWORD = "1234"
const val TEST_CONFIRMED_PASSWORD = "12345678"
const val TEST_WRONG_CONFIRMED_PASSWORD = "123456789"
const val EMPTY_STRING = ""
const val TEST_EXISTING_USERNAME = "Abhishek"

Step 7 : Run the Test cases in one go or you can also run each test cases.

Unit Testing Series

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