What Homeless?

Myonie Payton
2 min readNov 12, 2021


According to the CDC, the homeless are greatly susceptible to catching COVID-19. However there are no government statistics showing the infection nor death rate of COVID-19’s homeless victims. Yet statistics from all states made sure to cover race, sex, age, sexual preference (California) as well as a group called “Unknown” that ranked 2nd/3rd place on pie charts and bar graphs for Covid-19 infection and deaths.

Although there are no governmental verified sources to rely on, I did come across this article https://homelessdeathscount.org/data/covid-19/ which claims to show the number of homeless who have died from Covid-19 in at least 23 cities and states. According to the site, less than 30 homeless people died from COVID-19 except for California and New York (249 and 127). Even in my home state of Illinois, it claims that only 1 person facing homelessness has died from Covid-19.

This is mind blowing to me because during the heart of the pandemic, I specifically recall seeing people who being turned away from shelters due to overcrowding and sleeping on crowded subway trains, or if lucky, receiving a hotel room thanks to a number of churches, private organizations and some good samaritans. Aside from what state ran shelters offered, nothing further was implemented to secure the health and safety of homeless persons and still not one government agency has provided statistics to show how many homeless persons were infected with or died from COVID-19.

Now please hear me out, I’m in no way saying Covid-19 does not exist. However the lack of government concern to homelessness during a worldwide pandemic is just outright pathetic and repulsive.

