Creep Real Life Story

Nancy Poyorena
4 min readAug 23, 2021


Creepy Real Life Story

In my early 20’s hanging with my long time high school girl friends we are headed to the County Fair that happens only once a yr.

We go past a woman telling fortunes, she looks like a drug addict face sunken in, thin messy matted hair Inviting me to go into a long time ago, type horse and buggy cart, to tell my fortune, I ignore her and walk past, , she yells at me we know you turned God away, we are so happy to receive you.

I instantly remember the earlier morning when some church people came to the house to preach to me, I had told them I was not interested, they asked, ``So you do not love God? I do not answer and walk away.

Not Thinking about it any more, I go about my business, strange things start to happen.

I am drinking a nice cup of green tea, it’s sitting right next to me at my computer desk, I can feel the heat of the cup on my hand as I am typing my emails when suddenly the heat was gone, looking down at the cup, it was not there, I immediately look on floor, nothing, cup gone?

I stood up from the desk looking for the cup or spilled tea, nothing, there was an empty wall shelf that had a toy boat model on it, the model had fallen off months ago and I never put anything else on the shelf.

There it was my cup of hot tea on that shelf, 8 feet away from my desk, I had never stood up or left my desk, this happened in the blink of an eye, deep breath, knock on door, Shea walks in, hay, girl what up?

Shea whips out a cold beer and we talk girl stories for a while, my cup still on the shelf, Shea gets a phone call from daughter and has to go pick her up. We say our goodbyes and I look over at the shelf with a cup of tea on it.

I am Imagining this thinking to myself, drinking another beer. It’s all good, I decided I will make the hot tea into ice tea by adding ice, so I walk over, pick up the cup, walk into the kitchen, put ice in glass and pour the tea into the glass. No tea, cup empty. I left the cup in the sink.

Thinking I am losing it, I decide to take a shower and go to bed early. It’s only 6 o'clock at night, so I took shower the water kept getting so hot I could not rinse off the soap. I place my towel on the empty counter top of the sink.

I rinse my hair well with a comfortable water temperature from the sink, put the towel in my hair, look in the mirror to see the reflection of the tea cup sitting on the counter top, right, where I had picked up the towel, seconds ago.

Scared and tired I lay on my bed with towel in hair and robe on, it’s not dark yet, I close my eyes take a deep breath telling myself, just relax, eyes closed but not asleep, I feel the sensation of a cat jumping on my bed and walking up to my back I am laying on my side. The cat curls up at my back and starts to knead me, just like my cat used to do, this cat has been dead for one year at this time. I have no animals at this time.

Feeling overwhelmed, I jump up to look at the bed and there is no cat, standing at the bedroom door, I hear the creaking of the kitchen floor that only creeks when large men walk across it, like my 300 pound dad, the creaking was loud and I was freaking out. I get up and look no one is there, but, as I stand there looking at the floor, alone in the house, I hear the creaking of the floor like some one large shifting their weight from one foot to the other very slowly.

My Mind is Raising what happened. How is this happening to me? My memory of the old woman yelling at me, YOU do not love God, we are so happy to receive you.

Looking up Bible verses and renewing my beliefs in Holy Spirit is my new mission

Can evil spirits follow us and can we accidentally let them in our lives? Yes, that’s how we got in the sad shape we are in now, God is real and so is the Devil, who do you want to serve?

Act 8:7 For unclean spirits, crying out with a loud voice, came out of many who had them, and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed

And also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Luke 8:2 Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out,

Mathew 8:16 That evening they brought to him many who were oppressed by demons, and he cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick.

